CENSORSHIP BY THE AGE, Melbourne - what a "quality" Mainstream newspaper does not want you to know
The Age newspaper, Melbourne, Australia, of the Fairfax media empire is arguably the most progressive of Australia's Mainstream media but that is not saying much because the appalling, extreme right wing Rupert Murdoch media empire owns 70% of major Australian city newspapers.The Age has an on-line version with a section called "National Times" incorporating letters to the Editor, editorials and op-ed pieces by in-house Age writers or other writers (academics, eminent Australians, writers from overseas newspapers). The Age invites comments from readers and publishes up to several hundred comments on these National Times articles. Such comments are overwhelmingly anonymous and accordingly uncredentialled.
I am a 5 decade career scientist and teach at a major Australian university. I regularly make informed, researched, referenced, credentialled comments to The Age National Times section under my name "Dr Gideon Polya" but am frequently completely or partially censored. This egregious censorship can reasonably be taken as indicative of what The Age does not want its readers to read and to know.
As a decent, anti-racist, scientist and agnostic Humanist I spend a lot of time as a responsible scholar trying to penetrate the Mainstream media Wall of Silence. I have been inspired by the example of war-time Polish hero Jan Karski who tried to inform an unbelieving world about the Polish Holocaust and the Jewish Holocaust as these atrocities were actually occurring in Nazi-occupied Europe (see “Jan Karski”: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_Karski and “Jan Karski: how one man tried to stop the holocaust”: http://www.holocaustforgotten.com/karski.html ).
Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity – we are obliged to inform our fellow citizens about gross abuses of humanity – we cannot walk by on the other side. Further, ignoring huge crimes against humanity is dangerous (history ignored yields history repeated) and morally obnoxious. Further, holocaust ignoring (de rigeur for Mainstream media in Western Murdochracies like Australia) is much worse than reprehensible holocaust denial because the latter at least admits the possibility of public debate.
From my scholarly background I am in a position to inform my fellow Australians about a range of matters, notably including man-made climate change and the human cost of wars and occupation as set out in the following brief CV: "Dr Gideon Polya currently teaches science students at a major Australian university. He published some 130 works in a 5 decade scientific career, most recently a huge pharmacological reference text "Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds" (CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, New York & London , 2003). He has recently published “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007: http://globalbodycount.blogspot.com/ ); see also his contributions “Australian complicity in Iraq mass mortality” in “Lies, Deep Fries & Statistics” (edited by Robyn Williams, ABC Books, Sydney, 2007): http://www.abc.net.au/rn/science/ockham/stories/s1445960.htm ) and “Ongoing Palestinian Genocide” in “The Plight of the Palestinians (edited by William Cook, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2010: http://mwcnews.net/focus/analysis/4047-the-plight-of-the-palestinians.html ). He has just published a revised and updated 2008 version of his 1998 book “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” (see: http://janeaustenand.blogspot.com/ ) as biofuel-, globalization- and climate-driven global food price increases threaten a greater famine catastrophe than the man-made famine in British-ruled India that killed 6-7 million Indians in the “forgotten” World War 2 Bengal Famine (see recent BBC broadcast involving Dr Polya, Economics Nobel Laureate Professor Amartya Sen and others: http://www.open2.net/thingsweforgot/ bengalfamine_programme.html ). When words fail one can say it in pictures - for images of Gideon Polya's huge paintings for the Planet, Peace, Mother and Child see: http://sites.google.com/site/artforpeaceplanetmotherchild/ and http://www.flickr.com/photos/gideonpolya/ ."
However massive media censorship in look-the-other-way Australia means that a scholar such as myself who wishes to inform the public is reduced to the uncertain processes of writing letters to the editor or submitting carefully researched, credentialed comments where this is possible to media such as the Herald Sun (Murdoch), The Australian (Murdoch), 3AW (radio), the taxpayer-funded ABC (Australia’s equivalent of the BBC) or to the National Times section of The Age on-line.
Making careful, edited, referenced comments on articles is time-consuming so I have taken to recording my often-censored submitted comments via the US-based Newsvine (see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/ ) and also other places (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, UK-based Media Lens, Australia-based New Matilda) but this too is time-consuming.
Accordingly I have created this web page to quickly record instances of censorship by The Age, this providing a record (most recent items on top) of what a major Australian newspaper does not want its readers to read or to know.
On 2 April 2012 The Age On-line National Times published an article about the banning of the Chinese company Huawei from tendering over the Australian National Broadband Network (NBN). The article was by regular Age writer Kathleen Murphy and entitled “No Huawei – we must not let roadblocks bar our path”: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/no-huawei--we-must-not-let-roadblocks-bar-our-path-20120401-1w6dm.html . I sent the following comment on the article under my own name (Dr Gideon Polya) but it was completely censored by The Age, presumably for containing material The Age does not want its readers to read, know about or think about:
“PM Julia Gillard's comment "''Let's be very clear about the decision we have made here. I have stood up for Australia's national interests. I note that the opposition is standing up for the interests of a Chinese company" comes across as unacceptable, race-based xenophobia - if she had said "a company linked to the Chinese Government" it might have been acceptable.
PM Julia Gillard's knee-jerk reliance on secret advice from Australian Intelligence is seriously misplaced. This century alone slavishly US-beholden Australian intelligence has made some glaring mistakes that have:
1. cost Australia billions of dollars (false advice on the existence of actually non-existent Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction and then the Iraq War associated with 2.7 million war-related deaths);
2. trashed Australia's international reputation (imprisonment of thousands of refugees including children due to tardy and no doubt dodgy security reports);
3. seriously undermined our national security (despite large-scale Israeli forging of Australian passports, violation of Australian sovereignty, kidnapping of Australians and subversion of Australian MPs and media, the Australian Government was advised to spend $349 million putting Israelis at the heart of our defence command and control);
4. made the Australian Government complicit in the US Alliance-protected Afghan opiate drugs-related deaths of 3,700 Australians (as well as 200,000 Americans, 18,000 British and 1 million people world-wide).”
On 26 March 2012 The Age On-line National Times published an article about Australia and Asia by Monash University academic Tim Soutphommasane and entitled “Financial fetishing of Asia falls short of multiculturalism”: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/financial-fetishising-of-asia-falls-short-of-multiculturalism-20120325-1vsb7.html
The Age completely censored the following comments about the article I sent to The Age in the hope it might be published uncensored:
"This article makes no mention of the R word (Racism) or the G word (Genocide) and follows Basil's injunction "Don't mention the War" in the German tourist episode of Fawlty Towers. If we are to engage nicely with Asia for starters we should stop the Racism, War and Genocide.
1. Racism. Most Asians wanting to visit Australia have to apply via a special form and a cumbersome process designed for most non-Europeans and for "Poor Whites" whereas most Whites and some Honorary Whites (e,g, the Japanese) can quickly obtain a visa electronically under this New White Australia Policy.
2. War. Australia has participated in all post-1950 US Asian wars, racist conflicts that have been associated with Indigenous Asian violent deaths and avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation totalling about 36 million.
3. Genocide. Australia has a secret genocide history involving participation in 24 UK and/or US genocidal atrocities (Google "secret genocide history") e.g. (violent deaths and avoidable deaths from imposed deprivation in parentheses) the Indian Holocaust (1.8 billion , 1757-1947), WW2 Bengali Holocaust (6-7 million, 1942-1945), Iraqi Genocide (4.6 million, 1990-2012), Afghan Genocide (5.6 million, 2001-2012) and the Palestinian Genocide (1936-2012) (for detailed mortality-related histories of all countries see my book "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950)."
PS. I forgot to state that violent Palestinian deaths since 1936 due to racist Zionist invasion total 0.1 million but 1.9 million Palestinians have died avoidably since then from war-, expulsion- and occupation-imposed deprivation (Google "Palestinian Genocide". My comment was of course censored completely by The Age, presumably as containing material it does not want its readers to read, know or think about. For many more examples of this kind of censorship by Australia's most progressive Mainstream newspaper simply Google :"Censorship by The Age" (just imagine what the rest are like).
On 23 March 2012 The Age On-line national Times published an article by its Economics Editor Tim Colebatch about the latest $0.3 billion Government subsidy for GM Holden and entitled “It’s be a brave PM who pilled the plug on Holden” ( see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/itd-be-a-brave-pm-who-pulled-the-plug-on-holden-20120322-1vmxw.html ).
Key quotes: “You can have a car industry with taxpayer subsidies. Or you can save taxpayers' money and scrap your car industry. There are good arguments for either policy, but you can't have a car industry without subsidies.”
The Age regularly censors out informed, credentialled, non-anonymous comments on climate change and the human cost of war and in this instance repeatedly censored out my 2 proffered comments on the article, the second (below) being a slightly edited version of the first.
Censored comment #1.
“Australia clearly needs a sophisticated car industry as the basis of a sophisticated manufacturing industry. However this $300 million investment into carbon -burning cars is an immense wasted opportunity - the money should have been spent on electric cars and renewable energy.
Pro-coal, pro-gas Gillard Labor already spends $12 billion each year on subsidies for fossil fuel burning (according to the ACF) and this simply adds another $0.3 billion to the carbon burning bonfire.
Australia is a world leader in annual per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution and pro-coal, pro-gas Australian PM Julia Gillard has an appalling record of climate change inaction falsely dressed up as the opposite. The biggest and most outrageous untruth of Gillard Labor is that it is “tackling climate change” . For a detailed analysis of 16 areas in which Gillard Labor's Carbon Tax-ETS will INCREASE greenhouse gas pollution simply Google "Australian PM Julia Gillard’s appalling record of climate change inaction."
Utterly betrayed pro-environment and pro-science Labor voters will vote 1 Green and put Labor last until it gives up its terracidal fossil fuel burning policies.”
Censored comment #2.
“Edited & re-submitted: Australia clearly needs a car industry as the fundamental basis of a sophisticated manufacturing industry. However this $300 million investment into carbon -burning cars is an immense wasted opportunity - the money should have been spent on electric cars and renewable energy.
Pro-coal, pro-gas Gillard Labor already spends $12 billion each year on subsidies for fossil fuel burning (according to the ACF) and this simply adds another $0.3 billion to the carbon burning bonfire.
Australia is a world leader in annual per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution and pro-coal, pro-gas Australian PM Julia Gillard has an appalling record of climate change inaction falsely dressed up as the opposite. The biggest and most outrageous untruth of Gillard Labor is that it is “tackling climate change” . For a detailed analysis of 16 areas in which Gillard Labor's Carbon Tax-ETS will INCREASE greenhouse gas pollution simply Google "Australian PM Julia Gillard’s appalling record of climate change inaction."
Utterly betrayed pro-environment and pro-science Labor voters will vote 1 Green and put Labor last until it gives up its fossil fuel burning policies. ”
The Greens have already protested that these subsidies should have been used to advance electric cars. Thus Greens MP Adam Bandt: “"If we are to put further public money into this industry it must come on the condition that the industry begins switching to electric. We can do it. The technology is available now. People need to have confidence that they can drive their electric cars over a certain range and know there's going to be a charging point either at the supermarket or some other place." (see “The Greens want taxpayer funding for Holden to drive the production to electric vehicles”, The Australian, 22 March 2012: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/the-opposition-is-seeking-a-cost-benefit-analysis-on-a-planned-200-million-subsidy-for-holden/story-fn59niix-1226306958017 ).
The Age again reveals itself as a neocon rag that remorselessly censors informed, credentialed, non-anonymous comments that it evidently regards as containing things that it does not want its readers to read, know or think about (see “Censorship by The Age”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-the-age and http://agecensors.blogspot.com/ . Censorship sabotages rational risk management that is crucial for societal safety. Sensible people advocate that we “Boycott Murdoch Media” for its appalling reportage over man-made climate change (see “Boycott Murdoch Media”: https://sites.google.com/site/boycottmurdochmedia/ ) and the ostensibly more liberal Fairfax media may well deserve the same treatment for their anti-science censorship.
On 19 March 2012 The Age On-line National Times published an article by Katherine Murphy re PM Julia Gillard and Labor’s disastrous 31% vote. The article was entitled “Only together can Labor excavate its way out of this hole” (see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/only-together-can-labor-excavate-its-way-out-of-this-hole-20120318-1vdjq.html ).
I sent the a detailed comment on the article to The Age in the hope that it might be published uncensored. However The Age completely censored it as presumably containing material it does not want its readers to read, know about or think about (see Censored Comment #1 below). I accordingly re-submitted an edited version in which I deleted any direct reference to Palestine or Palestinians – and this the pro-Zionist Age did publish (see Uncensored Comment #2 below).
Censored Comment #1.
“There are some core issues on which pro-war, pro-coal, pro-gas, anti-environment Gillard Labor has utterly betrayed traditional anti-war, pro-environment, pro-equity and indeed pro-democracy Labor voters, many of whom will surely vote 1 Green and put Labor last Thus:
(1) War: under PM Julia Gillard ("the new warlord of Oz" according to outstanding expatriate Australian journalist John Pilger) Labor urges more war in Afghanistan when even Karzai and the Americans want it to stop.
(2) Climate change: under Labor's Carbon Tax-ETS Australia's domestic plus exported greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution will increase 1.7 fold by 2020 and 4.2-fold by 2050 relative to 2000 and Labor approves logging of old growth forests, coal seam gas and out-of-control coal and LNG exports threatening the Planet and the Great Barrier Reef.
(3). Equity: the majority of Australian kids attending Government schools are disproportionately excluded from university, top universities and top courses; there is a continuing disaster re Indigenous rights, health and literacy.
(4) Democracy: very popularly elected PM Rudd was removed and replaced as FM by an unelected Senator; Gillard Labor voted no at the UN over Palestinian statehood, noting that only adults of 12.5% of 12 million Palestinians can vote for the government ruling all of Palestine and 6 million Palestinian cannot even live in Palestine.”
Re-submitted, edited uncensored Comment #2 (altered parts in bold).
Re-submitted, edited post: “There are some core issues on which pro-war, pro-coal, pro-gas, anti-environment Gillard Labor has utterly betrayed traditional anti-war, pro-environment, pro-equity and indeed pro-democracy Labor voters, many of whom will surely vote 1 Green and put Labor last Thus:
(1) War: under PM Julia Gillard ("the new warlord of Oz" according to outstanding expatriate Australian journalist John Pilger) Labor urges more war in Afghanistan when even Karzai and the Americans want it to stop.
(2) Climate change: under Labor's Carbon Tax-ETS Australia's domestic plus exported greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution will increase 1.7 fold by 2020 and 4.2-fold by 2050 relative to 2000 and Labor approves logging of old growth forests, coal seam gas and out-of-control coal and LNG exports threatening the Planet and the Great Barrier Reef.
(3). Equity: the majority of Australian kids attending Government schools are disproportionately excluded from university, top universities and top courses; there is a continuing disaster re Indigenous rights, health and literacy.
(4) Democracy: very popularly elected PM Rudd was removed and replaced as FM by an unelected Senator; Gillard Labor voted no at the UN for democracy and self-determination for a particular Arab people.”
On 6 March 2012 The Age On-line National Times section published an article by Gillian Guthrie about the alleged description of PM Julia Gillard as a “childless, atheist, ex-communist” and entitled “Put a stop now to mother of all insults” (see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/put-a-stop-now-to-mother-of-all-insults-20120305-1ue69.html ). The Age did not publish the following comment from me, presumably because it contains facts and opinions The Age does not want its readers to know, think about or see, even if buried in a comment thread of several hundred comments:
“Being childless is PM Julia Gillard's own business and indeed is a good example in an overcrowded world. However what should concern all decent folk is that pro-war and slavishly pro-US Julia Gillard ("the new warlord of Oz" in the words of outstanding expatriate Australian journalist John Pilger) has helped make Labor and Australia complicit in avoidable under-5 infant deaths totalling 1.8 million in Iraq (1990-2012) and 2.6 million in Afghanistan (2001-2012). These 4.4 million avoidable infant deaths have been due to sanctions- and war-imposed deprivation and are due to gross US Alliance violation of Articles 55 and 56 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War that demands that an Occupier must supply life-sustaining food and medical requisites to a subject population "to the fullest extent of the means available to it". The World Health Organization informs that annual per capita total health expenditure permitted by the Occupiers in Occupied Afghanistan is US$69 as compared to US$7,410 for the US. Childless PM Julia Gillard is still involving Australia in an immense crime against the children, mothers and indeed fathers, men and women of US Alliance-occupied Afghanistan. PM Gillard has utterly betrayed decent anti-war, pro-child, pro-mother, pro-woman Labor voters who will vote Green and put Labor last until Labor reverts to decent values.”
On 1 March 2012 The Age On-line National Times section published an article by former Australian Foreign Minister Gareth Evans on the Australian bid for a seat on the UN Security Council and entitled “” National interest and pride demand we fight to join the UN Security Council” (see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/national-interest-and-pride-demand-we-fight-to-join-the-un-security-council-20120229-1u38x.html ). 2 comments sent on the article were completely censored.
Comment #1.
I sent a detailed comment on the article to The Age in the hope it might be published uncensored. It was not published (The Age has an appalling record of censoring comments containing material it evidently does not want its readers to read, know about or think about, as evidenced by "Censorship by The Age") that went thus (from memory; I messed up saving my comment):
"Gareth Evans has nullified his argument for an Australian seat on the UN Security Council by this comment buried in his article: "We started very late, other deals have been done, and it's not going to be easy to win this UN campaign. It will certainly be almost impossible if we paint ourselves into a tiny minority corner on the Palestinian statehood issue, should that come to a vote in the General Assembly before October. But Australia has a formidable story to tell. "
Ex-PM and now ex-FM Kevin Rudd wanted to abstain from the Palestinian statehood vote but PM Julia Gillard insisted on a no vote together with e US and Apartheid Israel, shaming Australia as a politically correct racist (PC racist) country and contrary to the yes position of 129 anti-racism, anti-colonialism, anti-genocide countries who are opposed to Apartheid Israel's Palestinian Genocide (out of 12 million Palestinians, 6 million are forbidden to even live in Palestine).”
Comment #2.
Because my comment above was censored I sent another comment to The Age but this too was completely censored.
"I sent a detailed comment on the article but it was evidently censored. Why is it that the opinions of anti-racist Jews and non-Jews in Australia are routinely censored?
From memory (I messed up saving my comment) : "Gareth Evans has nullified his argument for an Australian seat on the UN Security Council by this comment buried in his article: "We started very late, other deals have been done, and it's not going to be easy to win this UN campaign. It will certainly be almost impossible if we paint ourselves into a tiny minority corner on the Palestinian statehood issue, should that come to a vote in the General Assembly before October. But Australia has a formidable story to tell."
Ex-PM and now ex-FM Kevin Rudd wanted to abstain from the Palestinian statehood vote but PM Julia Gillard insisted on a no vote together with the US and Apartheid Israel, shaming Australia as a politically correct racist (PC racist) country and contrary to the yes position of 129 anti-racism, anti-colonialism, anti-genocide countries who are opposed to Apartheid Israel's Palestinian Genocide (out of 12 million Palestinians, 6 million are forbidden to even live in Palestine).
Not content with participating in all post-1950 US Asian wars (36 million Asian deaths from violence or war-imposed deprivation) Australia under Gillard Labor now wants to apply Evans' obscene R2P (Responsibility to Protect) doctrine to devastate Syria and Iran.""
On 1 March 2012 The Age On-line National Times section published an article by Professor John Warhurst (emeritus professor of political science, ANU) on the ex-PM Kevin Rudd challenge against PM Julia Gillard and entitled “Rudd’s challenge to the system” (see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/rudds-challenge-to-the-system-20120229-1u3ak.html ) . The Age completely censored the following comment I sent on the article:
“A key issue in the leadership battle that is not being publicly discussed in look-the-other-way, US-beholden Australia is who actually runs Australia. Thus while Rudd is right wing and pro-US, Gillard and her supporters are extreme right wing and slavishly pro-US.
Thus while Rudd wanted to abstain on the UN vote for Palestinian statehood for the sorely oppressed Indigenous Palestinians, Gillard shamed Australia with a no vote. Rudd raised the ire of the Israel Lobby when he gave a slap on the wrist to the Israelis for large-scale, long-term forging of Australian passports for terrorist purposes and the kidnapping of Australians in International waters (the Israelis have resumed the latter and probably the former). The 2010 Coup, while mining lobby- and US-backed was actually led by the extreme pro-Zionist Labor faction (see outstanding anti-racist Jewish Australian writer Antony Loewenstein, "Does the Zionist Lobby have blood on its hands in Australia?")
While Gillard is pro-war, according to outstanding Australian journalist John Pilger Rudd evoked US hostility by suggesting an end to the Afghan War and the Coup plotters included "US assets" (see "John Pilger: Threat to Assange is a threat to us all" ).
Unambiguously pro-Australian Rudd also unsuccessfully sought US Alliance destruction of the US-restored Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry that has killed 3,700 Australians and 200,000 Americans since 2001 (Google "Afghan Holocaust").
A key issue in the leadership battle that is not being publicly discussed in look-the-other-way, US-beholden Australia is who actually runs Australia. Thus while Rudd is right wing and pro-US, Gillard and her supporters are extreme right wing and slavishly pro-US.
Thus while Rudd wanted to abstain on the UN vote for Palestinian statehood for the sorely oppressed Indigenous Palestinians, Gillard shamed Australia with a no vote. Rudd raised the ire of the Israel Lobby when he gave a slap on the wrist to the Israelis for large-scale, long-term forging of Australian passports for terrorist purposes and the kidnapping of Australians in International waters (the Israelis have resumed the latter and probably the former). The 2010 Coup, while mining lobby- and US-backed was actually led by the extreme pro-Zionist Labor faction (see outstanding anti-racist Jewish Australian writer Antony Loewenstein, "Does the Zionist Lobby have blood on its hands in Australia?")
While Gillard is pro-war, according to outstanding Australian journalist John Pilger Rudd evoked US hostility by suggesting an end to the Afghan War and the Coup plotters included "US assets" (see "John Pilger: Threat to Assange is a threat to us all" ).
Unambiguously pro-Australian Rudd also unsuccessfully sought US Alliance destruction of the US-restored Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry that has killed 3,700 Australians and 200,000 Americans since 2001 (Google "Afghan Holocaust").
On 27 February 2012 The Age On-line national Times section published an article on the ex-PM Rudd versus PM Julia Gillard leadership battle by its political editor Michelle Grattan entitled “Gillard set to stay number one” : http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/political-news/gillard-set-to-stay-number-one-20120226-1twn1.html . The Age initially published my comment but then the corporate-, Zionist- or US-lobby evidently got into the act, my comment was completely censored out and comments on the article were closed. My censored comment is as follows:
"The disgraceful 2010 Coup violated the wishes of Australian voters and was variously backed by foreign-owned mining companies, the US and the Zionist Lobby. This further predicted defeat of Australia-first Rudd - roughly two thirds of Australians want Rudd but two thirds of the Labor Caucus want Gillard - shows Gillard Labor contempt for Australian sensibilities. 66,000 preventable Australian deaths annually under Gillard Labor means that Gillard must go - the fact that she won't means that Labor must go. Foreigner-subverted Labor has become anti-Labor as well as anti-Australian. A Gillard victory means that Labor is finished - as The Age reported the other day, 75% of 20 Labor members in marginal seats effectively preferred electoral disaster and Tony Abbott to Australia-first Kevin Rudd."
On 16 February 2012 The Age On-line National Times section published an article by its political editor Michelle Grattan on the ex-PM Kevin Rudd versus PM Julia Gillard stoush and entitled “Rudd plays it cool as pressure mounts on Gillard”: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/political-news/rudd-plays-it-cool-as-pressure-mounts-on-pm-20120215-1t6xz.html . I sent the following comment on the article to The Age but this disgraceful pro-neocon US, pro-Zionist newspaper censored it completely, presumably for containing materials it deems unfit for its readers to read, know or think about:
Julia Gillard is unfit to govern Australia because she has been wittingly or unwittingly an agent of foreign interests wanting the political demise of a very popularly elected Australian PM Kevin Rudd.
As reported by the ABC Four Corners program "The Comeback Kid?" the largely foreign -owned Mining companies were the major players in Rudd's downfall and the Australian Electoral Commission has revealed that they spent $23 million in 2010 on their anti-Mining Tax campaign.
Four Corners also revealed that the US knew about the Coup at least several weeks before it happened - as evidently did our very pro-US Ambassador to Washington. According to John Pilger, Wikileaks revealed US "assets" among the Coup Plotters and US unhappiness with Rudd (see "Threat to Assange a threat to us all").
Outstanding, anti-racist and patriotic Jewish Australians, notably writer Antony Loewenstein in an article "Does the Zionist Lobby have blood on its hands in Australia?", have detailed the extreme pro-Zionist stance of the Coup plotters and upset of the Zionist Lobby over Rudd's rebuke (albeit very limp-wristed) re Israeli forgery of Australian passports and kidnapping of Australians in international waters, the latter continuing under Gillard who has allowed 2,500 US marines to be stationed on Australian soil and is offering Australian citizenship to US Alliance veterans, this likely including Israeli as well as US and UK war criminals.
Australia first means restore Rudd.
On 15 February 2012 The Age On-line National Times section published an article by associate editor Shaun Carney on the ex-PM Kevin Rudd versus PM Julia Gillard stoush and entitled “Where winners are losrers”: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/where-winners-are-losers-20120214-1t426.html ” . I sent the following comment on the article to The Age but this disgraceful pro-neocon US, pro-Zionist newspaper censored it completely, presumably for containing materials it deems unfit for its readers to read, know or think about:
Restoration of Kevin Rudd as PM would certainly be "worth the trouble" - it would be the first big step since 1975 of countermanding foreign corporations and countries subverting Australian democracy. Thus:
1. The Australian Electoral Commission reported that the campaign by the mostly foreign-owned Mining Industry that ousted PM Kevin Rudd and almost removed Labor from office had cost a mere $23 million.
2. John Pilger reports in the latest Green Left Weekly ("Threat to Assange a threat to us all") that "WikiLeaks has given Australians a rare glimpse of how their country is run. In 2010 leaked US cables disclosed that key government figures in the Labor Party coup that brought Julia Gillard to power were "protected" sources of the US embassy: what the CIA calls "assets". Kevin Rudd, the prime minister she ousted, had "displeased Washington by being disobedient..."
3. Outstanding, anti-racist Jewish Australian writer Antony Loewenstein in an article "Does the Zionist Lobby have blood on its hands in Australia?" details the extreme pro-Zionist stance of the coup plotters.”
Yesterday ABC Four Corners in the "The Comeback Kid?" revealed that (1) the Mining Lobby spent up big to oust Rudd and (2) the US knew weeks in advance through its Labor "assets". However the ABC totally ignored what was apparent to anti-racist and patriotic Jewish Australians that it was a pro-Zionist-led Coup.
On 10 February 2012 The Age newspaper, Melbourne published an article by its political editor Michelle Grattan about the continuing ex-PM Rudd versus PM Julia Gillard affair and entitled “The waiting game goes on” (see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/the-waiting-game-goes-on-20120209-1rwhc.html ) . However The Age completely censored my following non-anonymous submitted comment on the article, presumably on the basis that it contains material The Age does not want its readers to read, know or think about:
“There is much more to the Rudd resurrection than just the fortunes of the neocon Australian Labor Party (Another Liberal Party, an Alternative Liberal Party) - it gives decent patriotic Australians an opportunity to decide whether Australia is for Australians or is simply a plaything of (1) the Mining lobby , (2) the Americans and/or (3) the Zionist Lobby.
1. It was reported by the Australian Electoral Commission and thence The Age that the campaign by the mostly foreign-owned Mining Industry that ousted PM Kevin Rudd and almost removed Labor from office had cost a mere $23 million.
2. Outstanding expatriate Australian writer John Pilger reports in the latest Green Left Weekly ("Threat to Assange a threat to us all") that "WikiLeaks has given Australians a rare glimpse of how their country is run. In 2010 leaked US cables disclosed that key government figures in the Labor Party coup that brought Julia Gillard to power were "protected" sources of the US embassy: what the CIA calls "assets". Kevin Rudd, the prime minister she ousted, had displeased Washington by being disobedient..."
3. Outstanding, anti-racist Jewish Australian writer Antony Loewenstein in an article "Does the Zionist Lobby have blood on its hands in Australia?" details the extreme pro-Zionist stance of the coup plotters.”
On 30 December 2011 The Age On-line National Times published an article by Melbourne historian Professor Geoffrey Blainey about 2011 and entitled “Turbulent times, but journeys to remember in 2011”: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/turbulent-times-but-journeys-to-remember-in-2011-20111229-1pe6u.html .
Key quotes: “This was the year of the televised disaster. A host of present-day Australian children, when they grow old, will recall how in the year 2011 they saw on their screens the Japanese tsunami and nuclear nightmare, the earthquake in Christchurch, drought in north-east Africa and flood in Thailand. In eastern Australia the severe floods in successive years were a special surprise for those who, a few years previously, had been told by the more outspoken climate-scientists that Australians might never see floods again in their lifetime.”
CSIRO Australia’s premier scientific research organization in its 2011 report “Climate change: science and solutions for Australia” (see: http://www.publish.csiro.au/Books/download.cfm?ID=6558 ) shows decreased precipitation drought in southern and south eastern Australia [p7] and increasing precipitation in northern and central Australia [p7] and states “Climate models indicate that there is likely to be less rainfall in southern areas of Australia, especially in winter, and in southern and eastern areas in spring, caused by the contraction in the rainfall belt towards the higher (more southern) latitudes (Figure. 3.2). Future changes in summer tropical rainfall in northern Australia remain highly uncertain. It is also likely that the most intense rainfall events in most locations will become more extreme, driven by a warmer, wetter atmosphere [p38] … For Australia, heatwaves, fires, floods, and Southern Australian droughts are all expected to become more frequent and more intense in the coming decades [p46] … Water security, or reliability if water supply, in southern and eastern Australia is expected to decline in future as a result of reduced rainfall and higher rates of evaporation [p48]”.
But not a mention of the Afghan War that has been associated with 5.0 million Afghan deaths (Australia still has about 1,500 troops there) or the Iraq War that has been associated wiyth 4.6 milion deaths since 18990 (Australia with drew its last troops from Iraq in August 2011, the 33 Australian soldiers who were guarding the Australian embassy in Iraq, replaced by a Dubai-based private security firm).
I sent the following comment on the article to The Age but -in keeping with its regular practice of censoring informed, credentialled and non-anonymous professional comments - completely censored my comments , presumably as containing material unfit for its readers to read, know or think about:
"Professor Blainey can praise the European countries for not attacking each other anymore (the NATO attacks on Serbia aside) but ignores 2 decades of US Alliance attacks on the Muslim World that have been associated with 12 million war-related deaths (violent deaths plus avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation), the breakdown being 4.6 million (Iraq, 1990-2011), 2.2 million (Somalia, 1992-2011), 5.0 million (Afghanistan, 2001-2011), these estimates being consonant with avoidable under-5 infant deaths totalling 1.8 million, 1.2 million and 2.6 million, respectively, and reflected in refugee numbers totalling 5-6 million, 2.0 million and 3-4 million, respectively.
Professor Blainey similarly failed to notice in his "A Short History of the World" and his "A Very Short History of the World" the 6-7 million Indians starved to death by the British (with Australian complicity) in the 1942-1945 WW2 Bengali Holocaust (although he does note "the loss of at least two million lives" there in his "The Great Seesaw. A new view of the Western world 1750-2000").
Professor Blainey dismisses ongoing Australian racism (towards Asians and Aborigines) because he claims Jews have been treated properly - they have not been, they still are not and why shouldn't they be?"
On 21 December 2011 The Age On-line National Times published an article by Professor Hugh White (professor of strategic studies at ANU and a visiting fellow at the Lowy Institute) on the Iraq and Afghanistan debacles and the growing threat of conflict with China. His article was entitled “Blind faith leads to great folly” (see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/blind-faith-leads-to-great-folly-20111220-1p3vr.html ).
Key quote: “"Barack Obama explained when he visited last month how America is today turning its back on its mistakes in Iraq and Afghanistan and pivoting instead to Asia. Here America is launching a new military initiative to confront and contain China. Our leaders are eagerly agreeing to join in, just as their predecessors did nine years ago over Iraq. Like them, our leaders and their advisers today are only too happy to assume that Washington knows best. Like them, they can hardly imagine saying no. But there is a difference. When our mistakes go bad in Iraq or Afghanistan we can simply give up and come home, as we have done. If we make the same mistakes this time, here in Asia, we will live with the consequences for a very long time."
I submitted 2 successive comments below on the article to The Age which completely censored both as evidently containing material that its readers should not read, know or think about (for details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/12/20/9590477-australian-expert-us-troops-leave-iraq-now-looks-to-china-conflict ) :
Censored comment #1.
“There are 12 million reasons for Australia to ditch association with the endlessly racist, genocidal, war-making US: the 12 million war-related deaths in the US War on Muslims since 1990, the breakdown being 4.6 million (Iraq, 1990-2011), 5.0 million (Afghanistan, 2001-2011), 2.2 million (Somalia, 1992-2011) and 50,000 (Libya, 2011) (for details and documentation Google "Muslim Holocaust", "Muslim Genocide").
The above estimates are consonant with UN Population Division data-derived estimates of under-5 infant deaths totaling 2.0 million (Iraq, 1990-2011), 2.9 million (Afghanistan, 2001-2011), and 1.3 million (Somalia, 1992-2011), 90% avoidable and due to gross violation of the Geneva Convention by the US Alliance Occupiers.
Unfortunately pro-war Labor has increased its pro-war stance with every dead Muslim child, culminating this year in an obscene Antipodean Anschluss decision by which 2,500 cowardly, Asian-killing, Muslim-killing, child-killing and hence mother-violating US Marines will be stationed in Darwin. Anti-war, anti-racism, pro-child traditional Labor voters will respond to their utter betrayal by neocon Labor and vote 1 Green and put Labor last.”
Censored Comment #2.
“Edited & re-submitted: There are 12 million reasons for Australia to ditch association with the endlessly war-making US: the 12 million war-related deaths in the US War on Muslims since 1990, the breakdown being 4.6 million (Iraq, 1990-2011), 5.0 million (Afghanistan, 2001-2011), 2.2 million (Somalia, 1992-2011) and 50,000 (Libya, 2011) (for details and documentation Google "Muslim Holocaust", "Muslim Genocide").
The above estimates are consonant with UN Population Division data-derived estimates of under-5 infant deaths totaling 2.0 million (Iraq, 1990-2011), 2.9 million (Afghanistan, 2001-2011), and 1.3 million (Somalia, 1992-2011), 90% avoidable and due to gross violation of the Geneva Convention by the US Alliance Occupiers
Articles 55 and 56 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War unequivocally demand that an Occupier must provide life-sustaining food and medical services for the conquered subjects "to the fullest extent of the means available to it".”
On 8 December 2011 The Age On-line National Times published an article by Labor MP Mark Dreyfus (pro-coal, pro-gas, pro-war, pro-Zionist Labor Cabinet Secretary and Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency) about the anti-Carbon Tax Coalition Opposition’s alleged $11 billion budget “black hole” and entitled “Coalition should have red faces over costings” (see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/blogs/the-dreyfus-files/coalition-should-have-red-faces-over-costings-20111207-1oigi.html ).
Key quote: "More than a year ago The Australian Financial Review's political editor, Laura Tingle, wrote that there were ''two possible explanations'' for the opposition ending up with an $11 billion hole in the cost of their election commitments: ''One is that they are liars, the other is that they are clunkheads.'' She went on: ''Actually, there is a third explanation: they are liars and clunkheads. But whatever the combination, they are not fit to govern"".
I sent the following 2 successive comments on the article to The Age in the hope that it would be published uncensored:
Comment #1 (not published).
“It may well be that the Coalition was over-exuberant about $11 billion in savings but Mark Dreyfus, pro-coal, pro-gas, pro-war, pro-Zionist Labor Cabinet Secretary and Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency has also been over-exuberant as quantified below.
1. According to Treasury modelling in "Strong Growth, Low Pollution", ABARE and US EIA data, Australia's domestic plus exported greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution under Labor's Carbon Price and unlimited fossil fuel exports will more than quadruple relative to the 2000 level to 4,490 million tonnes CO2-e in 2050 which at $23 per tonne CO2-e equals $103 billion (Google "2011 climate change course").
2. Already Labor-backed carbon burning is estimated to kill about 10,000 Australians annually which at a Value of a Statistical Life (VOSL) of $7.6 million per person equals $76 billion pa in addition to fossil fuel burning subsides of $12 billion pa (Google "carbon burning-related deaths").
3. 3,600 Australians have suffered opiate drug-related deaths since 2001 due to US Alliance restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry (cost: 3,600 persons x $7.6 million per person = .$27 billion (UN ODC).
4. Sir Isaac Isaacs resolutely opposed Zionism.”
Comment #2 (not published either).
“Edited, re-submitted comments: It may well be that the Coalition was over-exuberant about $11 billion in savings but Mark Dreyfus, pro-coal, pro-gas, pro-war Cabinet Secretary and Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency has also been over-exuberant as quantified below.
1. According to Treasury modelling in "Strong Growth, Low Pollution", ABARE and US EIA data, Australia's domestic plus exported greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution under Labor's Carbon Price and unlimited fossil fuel exports will more than quadruple relative to the 2000 level to 4,490 million tonnes CO2-e in 2050 which at $23 per tonne CO2-e equals $103 billion (Google "2011 climate change course").
2. Already Labor-backed carbon burning is estimated to kill about 10,000 Australians annually which at a Value of a Statistical Life (VOSL) of $7.6 million per person equals $76 billion pa in addition to fossil fuel burning subsides of $12 billion pa (Google "carbon burning-related deaths").
3. 3,600 Australians have suffered opiate drug-related deaths since 2001 due to US Alliance restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry to 90% of world market share (cost: 3,600 persons x $7.6 million per person = $27 billion (UN ODC).”
On 6 December 2011 The Age On-line National Times published an article by Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young about the Labor National Conference and entitled Labor lurches right and loses touch” (see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/blogs/gengreens/labor-lurches-to-the-right-and-loses-touch-20111205-1oepp.html ).
However The Age completely censored out my following comment on the article (for details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/12/05/9230214-greens-senator-sarah-hanson-young-oz-labor-lurches-to-the-right ).
“Excellent article. The pro-war, pro-coal, pro-gas, pro-nuclear, anti-refugee, anti-environment, anti-equity, anti-science, human rights abusing Australian Labor Party (ALP) is Another Liberal Party and an Alternative Liberal Party and has utterly betrayed traditional anti-war, pro-environment, pro-science and pro-human rights Labor voters who will vote 1 Green and put Labor last until it reverts to sensible, humane Labor policies of 40 years ago.
Neocon Labor rejects science (critical testing of potentially falsifiable hypotheses) for spin (selective use of asserted facts for a partisan agenda).
Thus the ALP Conference supported gay marriage but in such a way that it cannot pass in Parliament.
The ALP Conference supported uranium sales to India but without realistic safeguards (the uranium oxide will be stored in identical containers in an Indian warehouse with those on the left for "peaceful purposes" and those on the right for "nuclear weapons").
The ALP Conference supported the Carbon Tax-ETS that in actuality means that Australia's domestic greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution will be HIGHER in 2020 than at present and that Australia's domestic plus exported GHG pollution will quadruple by 2050 relative to 2000..
The ALP Conference ignored the Aboriginal Genocide (9,000 avoidable deaths yearly) and Afghan Genocide (340,000 avoidable deaths yearly).”
On 5 December 2011 The Age On-line National Times published an article by academic and writer Leslie Cannold about democracy and entitled “Good reason to worry about our democracy” (see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/good-reason-to-worry-about-our-democracy-20111204-1oddk.html ).
Key comment by Leslie Cannold (Australian writer and academic): The media must play a role, too, abandoning its mischaracterisation of corporate and other sectional interests as capable of offering insight in the public interest dimensions of policy. Of course, this turnaround won't stop big corporations from seeking influence to shape the world according to their interests. It will just stop them being so successful. We're on the road to hell together on this one. The only way back to a healthy democracy is for all the key players - business, political decision-makers and the media - to take a collective step back. Let's hope they do before the essence of what we value about our democracy is gone."
The Age kindly published comment #1 below but declined to publish my additional comment #2 in response a personal attack by a blogger from Sydney. For details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/12/04/9209058-australian-writer-academic-good-reason-to-worry-about-our-democracy .
Comment #1 (published).
"Excellent article by Leslie Cannold. While she has not used these terms, Australia's Democracy has been described in reality as a Murdochracy (Big Money buys votes by buying public perception of the truth) and a Lobbyocracy (Big Money buys politicians and policy). Endless examples can be given of this perversion of democracy.
1. Lobbycracy. It was revealed by The Age that it cost the Mining Industry only $23 million to sack Kevin Rudd and almost defeat Labor in the 2010 elections (Australia's GDP is about $1000 billion and Mining earns about $100 billion).
2. Murdochracy, Mediocracy. The UN Population Division reports that post-invasion under-5 infant deaths in US Alliance- and Australia-occupied Afghanistan total 2.9 million (90% avoidable and due to gross US Alliance violation of the Geneva Convention that states that an Occupier must supply life-sustaining food and medical services to its conquered subjects "to the fullest extent of the means available to it"). Yet this shocking reality is ignored by the Mainstream media and an ABC Search of "the entire ABC site" for "under-5 infant deaths" yields ZERO (0) results. In 1945 many Germans said "We didn't know" but in 2011 Mainstream media ensure that Australians likewise don't know (although the Awful Truth is only a few mouse-clicks away)."
Comment #2 (unpublished).
“The blame for perversion of democracy cannot be solely laid at the feet of lying lobbyists, mendacious media. and pandering and prevaricating politicians. The public are quite happy to look the other way.
Thus my example of 2.9 million under-5 infant deaths in post-invasion US Alliance-occupied Afghanistan as determined from UN Population Division data is baldly denied and obfuscated above by "Colin" from Sydney in a paroxysm of denial and false, pejorative, ad hominem abuse made more obnoxious for being made with the courage of anonymity.
Of course go to UNICEF- information by country" and you find under "Afghanistan" that "Annual no. of under-5 deaths (thousands), 2009: 237" i.e crudely calculated about 2.4 million over 10 years.
Go to the World Health Organization (WHO) and you will discover that "Probability of dying under five (per 1 000 live births): 199" as compared to FIVE (5) for Occupier Australia.
Who would dismiss such authoritative statistics as "nonsense", "plagiarised", "beat-up on the West with loopy Left-of Left-wing nonsense and conflated and inflated "Facts""? Yet Australia ignores this atrocity, noting that holocaust ignoring is far, far worse than repugnant holocaust denial (the latter at least admits the possibility of debate).”
On 30 November 2011 The Age On-line National Times published an article by Stefano de Pieri (restaurateur, cook and author from Mildura on the threatened Murray River) about the draft plan for the Murray-Darling River System that has just been released by the politicized Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) (see “Steady drip of bickering not helping”: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/steady-drip-of-bickering-not-helping-20111129-1o4zh.html ).
Key quote: “Green groups are demanding the return of 4000 billion litres to the system through buybacks, cuts and savings from infrastructure projects. Predictably, irrigators are fighting to see that amount reduced and, preferably, the plan scuttled altogether... The figure of 4000 billion litres is the result of years of argy-bargy, opinions put forward by scientists, some research, factual observations and so on, but it remains fundamentally arbitrary… A smarter environmental lobby would instead grab 2750 billion litres or even less now without further discussion, with the only proviso being that measures to save water be implemented immediately and not in a mythical future. This requires a hard look at the facts and some maturity…”
I submitted and then re-submittted the following comment on the article to The Age which has censored it repeatedly and completely, evidently as containing material that its readers should not read, know or think about:
“"Maturity" about the Murray-Darling would involve respecting the expert views of a large body of ecologists and water-management scientists and economists who say release a minimum of 4,000 GL of water to save the system.
Instead it is absurdly argued that environmentalists should ignore expert scientific and economic advice and take that of non-scientist vested interests, environmental vandals, spin-driven politicians and book-burning red-necks.
Rational risk management that is crucial for societal safety and well-being successively involves (a) accurate information, (b) scientific analysis (critical testing of potentially falsifiable hypotheses) and (c) informed systemic change to minimize risk. Ignoring expert scientific advice and, replacing science with anti-science spin (the selective use of asserted facts to support a partisan position) and dancing to the tune of domestic and foreign Lobbyists are disastrously entrenched in Murdochracy and Lobbyocracy Australia with the following consequences (ignored scientific advice in parentheses) : continued destruction of SE Australian forests (the best forest carbon sinks in the world), destruction of the Murray -Darling (science says return 4000 GL water), climate change inaction, (Labor's Carbon Tax-ETS will quadruple Australia's domestic plus exported GHG pollution by 2050), Great Barrier Reef dying (started at 320 ppm CO2, death at 450 ppm, 394 ppm now).”
I then re-submitted again (with a small grammatical correction) the same comment - and this time The Age DID publish the comment in full, uncensored:
“Re-submitted again: "Maturity" about the Murray-Darling would involve respecting the expert views of a large body of ecologists and water-management scientists and economists who say release a minimum of 4,000 GL of water to save the system.
Instead it is absurdly argued that environmentalists should ignore expert scientific and economic advice and take that of non-scientist vested interests, environmental vandals, spin-driven politicians and book-burning red-necks.
Rational risk management that is crucial for societal safety and well-being successively involves (a) accurate information, (b) scientific analysis (critical testing of potentially falsifiable hypotheses) and (c) informed systemic change to minimize risk. Ignoring expert scientific advice, replacing science with anti-science spin (the selective use of asserted facts to support a partisan position) and dancing to the tune of domestic and foreign Lobbyists are disastrously entrenched in Murdochracy and Lobbyocracy Australia with the following consequences (ignored scientific advice in parentheses): continued destruction of SE Australian forests (the best forest carbon sinks in the world), destruction of the Murray -Darling (science says return 4000 GL water), climate change inaction, (Labor's Carbon Tax-ETS will quadruple Australia's domestic plus exported GHG pollution by 2050), Great Barrier Reef dying (started at 320 ppm CO2, death at 450 ppm, 394 ppm now).”
The reason that The Age relented may have been a fourth comment I posted protesting the censorship and commenting on a very clever comment by a blogger called "Depressed":
"@ Depressed: I was getting quite depressed because I am a 5-decade career scientist but my repeated attempts to make a science-informed comment on this absurd article have been completely censored - but then I read your brilliant exposition of the "di Pieri protocol" (only apply 69% of science-recommended wing span, avgas, blood transfusion anaesthetic etc), cheered up immensely and re-girded my loins in my endless fight as a scientist against anti-science media censorship and incorrect reportage in Australia and elsewhere. This latest anti-science censorship and absurdity (country cook versus our top water experts) is being reported around Australia and indeed around the world in the interests of Australia, Humanity and the Biosphere (e.g. Google "Censorship by The Age"). (En passant, my first boss as a scientist on my return to Australia 40 years ago was Australia's top hydrology expert who later became Chief Scientist of Australia)."
On 22 November 2011 The Age On-line National Times published an article by Professor Gerry Simpson (international law, Melbourne Law School, London School of Economics) entitled “Row over Gaddafi son trial comes with the territory” (see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/row-over-gaddafi-sons-trial-comes-with-the-territory-20111121-1nqda.html ). The Age published one comment by me on the article but c4nsired the follow-up comment (for details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/11/21/8937207-law-professor-row-over-gaddafi-sons-libya-trial-comes-with-the-territory ) .
Uncensored comment #1.
Well said blizzard of Sydney. To which I would add that, according to the WHO, under dictator Gaddafi the under-5 year old infant mortality (in units of deaths per 1,000 live births) was 19 in Libya (Africa's lowest) as compared to 8 (USA), possibly 100 (US-occupied Iraq), 180 (US Alliance-occupied Somalia), 87 (US Alliance-occupied Haiti) and 199 (US Alliance- and Australia-occupied Afghanistan).
All those who commit war crimes should be arraigned before the International Criminal Court (ICC) and that includes US Alliance leaders complicit in huge civilian deaths. Before the NATO invasion and devastation of Libya, deaths in the civil war were estimated at about 1,000-2,000. Libyan deaths now total 50,000, Black Libyans are targeted for murder, the largely Black Libyan town of Taworgha (pre-war population about 10,000) has been completely ethnically cleansed, 1 million Black Libyans have fled and hundreds of thousands of other refugees have been created in Libya.
Muslim violent deaths and avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation in the US Alliance War on Muslims (1990-2011) now total 12 million, the breakdown being 4.6 million (Iraq), 5.6 million (Afghanistan ) and 2.2 million (Somalia) (Google Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide).
Censored comment #2.
Further to adumbrated war crimes trials for Libyan, NATO and US leaders, Articles 55 and 56 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War state that an Occupier (such as Australia in Afghanistan) must supply life-sustaining food and medical requisites to the Conquered Population "to the fullest extent of the means available to it".
In Occupied Afghanistan post-invasion under-5 infant deaths total 2.9 million (infant deaths total 2.0 million for Iraq, 1990-2011 and 1.3 million for Somalia, 1992-2011), 90% avoidable and due to gross violation of the Geneva Convention by the US Alliance Occupiers (see UN Population Division). .
In his 2005 Literature Nobel Prize Acceptance speech, British writer Harold Pinter demanded that Bush and Blair be arraigned before the International Criminal Court for war crimes in Iraq, stating "How many people do you have to kill before you qualify to be described as a mass murderer and a war criminal? One hundred thousand? More than enough, I would have thought."
50,000 by NATO in Libya? 12 million Muslims including about 6 million Muslim infants in the 2-decade US War on Muslims? About 3 million infants in the 1-decade (so far) US Alliance- and Australia-complicit Afghan Genocide? More than enough, I would have thought.
On 16 November 2011 The Age On-line National Times published an article by Professor Hugh White (professor of strategic studies at ANU and a visiting fellow at the Lowy Institute) on the visit of Obama to Australia and entitled “Dear Mr President, we beg to differ over the future of Asia” (see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/dear-mr-president-we-beg-to-differ-over-the-future-of-asia-20111115-1nh36.html ). I sent the following 2 comments on the article to The Age but both were completely censored by The Age as evidently containing things that it (or its agent today) does not want its readers to read, know or think about: (for details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/11/15/8827799-oz-strategy-prof-re-obama-mr-president-we-beg-to-differ-over-asia-future ):
Censored comment #1.
"China is peaceful and part of the region, the US is neither. In post-1950 US Asian wars (in all of which Australia has participated) violent deaths plus deaths from war-imposed deprivation now total about 30 million, the breakdown being 4 million (Korea), 16 million (Indo-China i.e. Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos), 4.6 million (Iraq), and 5.6 million (Afghanistan).
Australia has suffered too. Thus about 1.1 million people have died opiate drug-related deaths world-wide since 2001 due to rapid US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry to about 90% of world market share, this including about 200,000 Americans, 3,800 Australians and 18,000 British.
The US has invaded over 30 countries since 1945 and 1950-2005 avoidable deaths from deprivation and deprivation-exacerbated disease in countries occupied in the post-1945 era by the US total 82 million (Google "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950").
Google "Hey, hey, USA, how many kids did you kill today?" and you will discover the horrifying answer: about 1,000. US Marines and other elements of US state terrorism should not be welcome in Australia and nor should be Barack Obama who together with George Bush is directly responsible for the deaths of 3,800 Australians since 2001."
Censored comment #2.
"According to NSW Health, “In 2006, there were 132 opiate-related deaths in NSW”, this translating to 132 x 22 million /7.3 million = 398 annual opiate-related deaths for Australia and 398 x 0.9 x 10 = 3,580 or about 3,600 opiate-related Australian deaths due to US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry to 90% of world market share.
According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UN ODC), "the United States saw 38,400 deaths from illicit drug use in 2006, corresponding to a drug-related mortality rate of 182 deaths per one million inhabitants aged 15-64". 60% of these are due to opiates and of opiate-related deaths 90% are due to US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry to about 90% of world market share i.e. 0.6 x 0.9 x 38,400 = 20,740 yearly and 207,000 US opiate drug deaths since October 2001 due to US war policy.
Obama has been complicit in the opiate-related deaths of 207,000 Americans and 3,600 Australians and in the war-related deaths of 9 million Muslims so far in the War on Terror (Google Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide). Obama and the US military should not be welcome in Australia which should urgently dissociate itself from US state terrorism."
On 15 November 2011 The Age On-line National Times published an article by Sydney Morning Herald editor Peter Hartcher about Obama’s visit to Australia and entitled “No reason to get even closer to Uncle Sam” (see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/no-reason-to-get-even-closer-to-uncle-sam-20111114-1nfgn.html ). I sent the following comment on the article to The Age but it was completely censored by The Age as evidently containing things that it (or its agent today) does not want its readers to read, know or think about: (for details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/11/14/8803701-oz-editor-re-obama-oz-visit-but-no-reason-to-get-closer-to-uncle-sam).
"There are 30 million reasons why Australia should not allow US Marines on Australian soil. In post-1950 US Asian wars (in all of which Australia has participated) violent Indigenous Asian deaths plus deaths from war-imposed deprivation now total about 30 million, the breakdown being 4 million (Korea), 16 million (Indo-China i.e. Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos), 4.6 million (Iraq), and 5.6 million (Afghanistan).
Australia has suffered too. Thus about 1.1 million people have died opiate drug-related deaths world-wide since 2001 due to rapid US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry to about 90% of world market share, this including about 200,000 Americans, 3,800 Australians and 18,000 British.
The US has invaded over 30 countries since 1945 and 1950-2005 avoidable deaths from deprivation and deprivation-exacerbated disease in countries occupied in the post-1945 era by the US total 82 million with children representing a substantial proportion of the total. Thou shalt not kill children.
Google "Hey, hey, USA, how many kids did you kill today?" and you will discover the answer: about 1,000.The cowardly, genocidal, child-killing US Marines should not be welcome in Australia and nor should be Barack Obama who together with George Bush is directly responsible for the deaths of 3,800 Australians."
On 9 November 2011 The Age On-line National Times published an article by John Connor (chief executive officer of the Climate Institute) about the new Australian Carbon Tax-ETS and entitled “Not end of the world, just of free carbon pollution ” (see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/not-end-of-the-world-just-of-free-carbon-pollution-20111108-1n5dw.html ).
Key (incorrect) assertion: “This machinery and supporting policies can, between 2012 and 2020, help deliver pollution reductions of between 680 million and 1 billion tonnes. The only ''end of the world'' scenario likely in 2012 is an end to our major companies producing carbon pollution for free. All the hard evidence shows the real-world impact of a $23-per-tonne starting price will be a nudge to inflation of less than 1 per cent. It will not halt overall jobs and economic growth… These laws do not only put a price on carbon pollution. From 2015 they also put in place pollution reduction machinery with a minimum declining annual cap or limit. From 2015, this machinery will reduce pollution by at least 12 million tonnes a year”.
These assertions are utterly incorrect.
1. Treasury modeling, ABARE and US EIA data say that Australia’s domestic greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution will INCREASE (i.e. NOT REDUCE) from 578 million tones CO2-e in 2010 to 612 million tonnes in 2020 (see “Treasury’s “Strong Growth, Low Pollution: report) and Australia’s domestic plus exported GHG pollution will roughly double in 2010 and quadruple in 2050 relative to that in 2020.
2. Scientific illiteracy of “$23-per-tonne” of what? CO2? CO2-e? Carbon? In fact it is $23 per tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-e) which corresponds to $23 per tonne CO2-e x (12 tonnes carbon/44 tonnes CO2-e) = $6.3 per tonne carbon.
3. The assertion “End… of free carbon pollution” obfuscates the reality that carbon pollution will remain substantially “free”. Thus the costing of current pollution should take into account the estimated $9 billion pa in fossil fuel subsidies (now $12 billion pa) plus 10,000 Australians who die from the effects of carbon burning pollutants each year, this translating to a hidden subsidy for carbon burning of $554 per tonne carbon, 88 times higher than the derisory initial $6.3 per tonne carbon ($23 per tonne CO2-e) of Labor’s Carbon tax-ETS scheme (see “Australian carbon burning-related deaths and carbon burning subsidies => minimum Carbon Price of A$554 per tonne carbon”: https://sites.google.com/site/yarravalleyclimateactiongroup/2011-carbon-burning ). Actually the carbon price as determined from Government subsidies for carbon burning of $12 billion per year (Australian Conservation Foundation, “Australia spends $11 billion more encouraging pollution than cleaning it up”, May 2011: http://acfonline.org.au/articles/news.asp?news_id=3308 ) is $12,000 million/578 million tones CO2-e = $20.8 per tonne CO2-e.
I sent 2 carefully researched comments on the article to The Age under my professional name, Dr Gideon Polya, but The Age completely censored both as presumably containing material that it deemed its readers should not read, know or think about. Here are the censored comments (for details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/11/08/8708297-climate-institute-head-on-oz-carbon-tax-end-of-free-carbon-pollution ):
Censored comment #1.
"Pro-coal, pro-gas Labor's dishonest Carbon Tax-ETS plan will deliver climate change INACTION as summarized below.
Treasury modeling reported in its 2011 "Strong Growth, Low Pollution" report shows that under Labor's Carbon Tax-ETS Australia's domestic greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution will increase from 578 Mt CO2-e in 2010 to 621 Mt CO2-e in 2020.
Treasury modeling, ABARE and US EIA data show that under Labor's plan Australia's domestic plus exported GHG pollution will roughly double by 2020 and quadruple by 2050 relative to that in 2000 (coal and LNG exports are increasing annually at 2.4% and 9%, respectively).
In 2009 WBGU, which advises the German Government on climate change, estimated that for a 75% chance of avoiding a disastrous 2 degree Centigrade temperature rise (would you board a plane with a 25% chance of crashing?) the world must emit no more than 600 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2). At present rates of GHG pollution Australia already exceeded its "fair share" of this terminal GHG pollution budget by mid-2011 and is now stealing the entitlement of impoverished countries like Somalia and Bangladesh (for details Google "shocking analysis").
Pro-coal, pro-gas Labor evidently has no intention of "tackling climate change"."
Censored comment #2.
"I am a much-published 5-decade career scientist in an area intimately related to climate change and indeed recently gave comprehensive climate change lectures at a major university (Google "climate change course" for mini-course summary and references).
However today I returned from giving a pro bono publico climate change lecture to a big community audience in one of Melbourne's richest and most global warming-threatened suburbs to find that my carefully researched, credentialled, submitted comment on this article had been completely censored.
In short, my comment simply spelled out that Treasury modelling in its 2011 "Strong Growth, Low Pollution" report shows that under Labor's plan Australia's domestic greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution will increase to 621 Mt CO2-e in 2020 from the 578 Mt CO2-e in 2010 (rather than decrease as asserted by John Connor) and that Australia's domestic plus exported GHG pollution is predicted to double by 2020 and quadruple by 2050 relative to that in 2000.
Censorship and self-censorship has crippled sensible, science-informed public discussion in Australia on how to tackle man-made climate change. We are badly running out of time but Labor's plan is a recipe for disastrous climate change inaction."
The Australian carbon tax is derisory and the Carbon Tax-ETS scheme is a recipe for entrenched, long-term climate change inaction. Man-made climate change acutely threatens humanity. Censorship in general – and censorship or obfuscation of science-informed assessments relating to climate change in particular - threaten society and humanity. For more details of shocking censorship by The Age see “Censorship by The Age”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-the-age and http://agecensors.blogspot.com/ .
On 8 November 2011 The Age On-line National Times published an article by Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young about the Carbon Tax-ETS and entitled Red-letter day in fight against warming”: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/blogs/gengreens/redletter-day-in-fight-against-warming-20111107-1n3hk.html .
Key quote : “Today will be a great day for Australians who have waited years for their government to take our warming planet seriously. After years of talk and a few backward steps, the Senate will pass a suite of legislation that will put a price on pollution from July next year.”
Senator Hanson-Young is utterly wrong – a correct if greatly understated opinion is that of Greens Senator Christine Milne: “It doesn’t go far enough”.
I sent the following comment on the article to The Age but this newspaper (that regularly censors out informed, science-based, credentialed opinions to the detriment of informed public discussion) completely censored out my carefully researched comment (for details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/11/07/8686511-oz-senate-will-pass-carbon-tax-ets-legislation-today-for-price-on-carbon ):
“Unfortunately science says that the Gillard Labor Government is NOT taking "'our warming planet seriously" as summarized below.
1. Treasury modelling reported in its 2011 "Strong Growth, Low Pollution" report shows that under Labor's Carbon Tax-ETS Australia's domestic greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution will increase from 578 Mt CO2-e in 2010 to 621 Mt CO2-e in 2020.
2. Treasury modelling and ABARE and US EIA data show that under Labor's plan Australia's domestic plus exported GHG pollution will roughly double by 2020 and quadruple by 2050 relative to that in 2000 (coal and LNG exports are increasing annually at 2.4% and 9%, respectively).
3. In 2009 WBGU, which advises the German Government on climate change, estimated that for a 75% chance of avoiding a disastrous 2 degree Centigrade temperature rise (would you board a plane with a 25% chance of crashing?) the world must emit no more than 600 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2). At present rates of GHG pollution Australia already exceeded its "fair share" of this terminal GHG pollution budget by mid-2011 and is now stealing the entitlement of impoverished countries like Somalia and Bangladesh (for details Google "shocking analysis").
Pro-coal, pro-gas Labor evidently has no intention of "tackling climate change".”
For more details of shocking censorship by The Age see “Censorship by The Age”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-the-age and http://agecensors.blogspot.com/ .
Pro-coal, pro-gas, neocon Labor has been in government for about 4 years - if (as is almost certainly going to be the case) they can't achieve even an iota of REDUCTION in domestic plus exported GHG by 2013 then climate criminal Labor should be kicked out. Indeed the above summary indicates that terracidal, racist, climate criminal Labor has no intention fo reducing domestic plus exported GHG pollution until sometime AFTER 2050.
On 7 November 2011 The Age On-line National Times published an article by Australian writer Sarah Burnside on History and entitled “Lessons of history are not always clear cut” : http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/lessons-of-history-are-not-always-clear-cut-20111104-1mzjs.html .
Key quote from Sarah Burnside: "Politicians regularly invoke an authoritative sounding History-with-a-capital-H in order to legitimise or attack present day positions. Although patriotism retains its status as the first refuge of the scoundrel, history clocks in at perhaps a close second."
I successively sent the following comment son the article to The Age which completely censored all 4 comments as evidently containing matter it does not want its readers to reads, know or think (for details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/11/06/8669263-oz-writer-sarah-burnside-lessons-of-history-are-not-always-clear-cut ):
Censored comment #1.
"People can have differing opinions relating to the interpretation of the facts of history but the deliberate wiping out or ignoring of facts relating to horrendous mass mortality (holocaust) is utterly unacceptable.
Holocaust ignoring is entrenched in a look-the-other-way Australia which through its complicit in Anglo-American violence has been complicit in some 2 dozen genocide atrocities, 10 of them ongoing. Yet few Australians are aware of "Australia's secret genocide history" (Google the phrase to discover what your primary, secondary and tertiary teachers omitted to tell you). Of course holocaust ignoring is far, far worse than repugnant holocaust denial because at least the latter admits the possibility of debate.
Thus, for example, in Western-devastated Iraq since 1990 violent deaths total 1.7 million (top medical epidemiologists), non-violent deaths from war-imposed deprivation total 2.9 million (UN Population Division data), under-5 infant deaths total
2.0 million (UN), refugees total 5-6 million (UNHCR et al) and war-related deaths total 4.6 million - an Iraqi Holocaust (a huge number of deaths) and an Iraqi Genocide (as defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention) commensurate with the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million people killed, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation). Yet this continuing horror is remorselessly ignored by genocide-complicit and genocide-ignoring Australia."
Censored comment #2.
“My earlier post re History, holocaust ignoring and the Labor-complicit Iraqi Holocaust and Iraqi Genocide was not published. I reiterate that while people are entitled to their opinions about History, holocaust ignoring (vastly worse than repugnant holocaust denial) is utterly unacceptable (as of course is holocaust commission).
Thus by way of further example, Armenian American celebrity Kim Kardashian who was subject to offensive media scorn on her brief recent visit to Australia, has demanded recognition of the Armenian Genocide (1.5 million Armenians murdered, the Armenian Genocide beginning on 24 February 1915, the day before the Australian invasion of Turkey, Turkish xenophobia having been exacerbated to deadly level by the Allied invasion of the Dardanelles).
Now Kim Kardashian has not gone to college but is sensible enough to report the Armenian Genocide, to report the death toll (1.5 million) and make the fundamental point that genocide ignored or denied means genocide repeated. Australia helped precipitate the Armenian Genocide but this huge Australia-implicated atrocity has been deleted from Australian History.
Indeed eminent Australian historian Professor Geoffrey Blainey AC fails to mention the Armenian Genocide in his "A Short History of the World" (Viking, 2000), "A Very Short History of the World" (Viking, 2004) and other works
(Google "Kim Kardashian publicizes Armenian Genocide"). History ignored yields history repeated. ”
Censored comment #3.
“My 2 earlier posts re History, holocaust ignoring and Australian-complicit holocaust and genocide atrocities were not published. I reiterate that while people are entitled to their opinions about History, holocaust ignoring (vastly worse than repugnant holocaust denial) is utterly unacceptable (as of course is holocaust commission).
A further example of Australian holocaust commission and holocaust denial is the ongoing Afghan Holocaust and Afghan Genocide (post-invasion war-related deaths 5.6 million). In post-2001 Occupied Afghanistan post-invasion avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation total 4.2 million (UN Population Division data); post-invasion violent deaths total 1.4 million (based on Iraq War comparisons); under-5 infant deaths total 2.9 million (90% avoidable and due to US Alliance war crimes in gross violation of the Geneva Convention) and refugees total 3-4 million (with a further 2 million Pashtun refugees generated in NW Pakistan by the war criminal US Alliance) - an Afghan Holocaust and an Afghan Genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention.
Yet this outrage - comparable in magnitude with the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million dead, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation) - is utterly ignored by genocide complicit, genocide ignoring Mainstream Australian media, academics and politicians. History and genocide ignored yields history and genocide repeated.”
Censored comment #4.
“My 3 earlier posts re History, holocaust ignoring and Australian-complicit holocaust and genocide atrocities were not published. The Age censors are getting a good history lesson but need to understand that this sequence of censored submissions will shortly be published around the world to better expose Australian media holocaust complicity and holocaust denial.
A huge further example of Australian genocide complicity and genocide denial is provided by the Australia-, US-, UK- and EU-supported 63 year Palestinian Genocide that has involved about 0.1 million violent deaths (Google “Palestinian casualties of war”, 1948-2011), 0.3 million post-1967 avoidable deaths from Israeli-imposed deprivation (UN Population Division data), 0.2 million under-5 post-1967 infant deaths (75% avoidable and due to Israeli war crimes) and 7 million refugees – a Palestinian Genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention and as recognized by numerous eminent anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish writers and scholars in the recent book "The Plight of the Palestinians".
Australia's worst atrocity that exceeds the Aboriginal Genocide (2 million untimely deaths post-invasion) is its deadly, UK-instructed withholding of wheat from its huge stores from India in WW2. 6-7 million Indians died in the 1942-1945 WW2 Bengali Holocaust according to medical historian Dr Sanjoy Bhattacharya (Wellcome Institute, University College London).”
On 2 November 2011 The Age On-line National Times, Gino Vumbaca ( executive director of the Australian National Council on Drugs) on the Australian teenager in Bali on drugs charges, “The punishment must fit the crime even for drug users”: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/the-punishment-must-fit-the-crime-even-for-drug-users-20111101-1mtrr.html .
I repeatedly (2 times) sent the following carefully researched comment on the article to The Age but both submissions were completely censored, evidently as containing material that the Age does not want its readers to read, know or think about (for details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/11/01/8586326-oz-drug-expert-the-punishment-must-fit-the-crime-even-for-drug-users ).
“A sensible and humane article. however the drug scourge has to be put into the context of 7 million drug-related deaths annually, the breakdown being 4.9 million (smoking), 1.8 million (alcohol) and 0.2 million (illicit drugs) (2000 data from the Australian National Centre for Drug Research, 2003; Google: "Tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs responsible for seven million preventable deaths worldwide"").
Currently each year in Australia 16,000 die from tobacco, 3,000 die from alcohol and about 800 from illicit drugs. Of about 426 opiate drug-related deaths annually in Australia (2006), about 90% (383) are linked to the US Alliance (including Australia) restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry from 6% of world share in 2001 to 90% today. This means that 10 x 383 = 3,830 Australians have died opiate drug-related deaths linked to US Alliance and Lib-Lab war policies since 2001. Such post-2001, Afghan war-linked, opiate drug-related deaths in the World, US and UK totaled 1,000,000, 200,000 and 18,000, respectively (Google "182 million deaths per one million" and "Afghan Holocaust, Afghan Genocide"). Obama, currently in charge of this mass murder, will shortly visit Australia. The wrong people are in jail.”
On 2 November 2011, The Age On-line National Times published an article by lawyer and writer Emma McDonald about the Kardashian celebrities and entitled , “Why do so many of us keep up with the vacuous Kardashians”: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/why-do-so-many-keep-up-with-the-vacuous-kardashians-20111101-1mt2m.html . Key quotes: “"the reality is that millions of people follow the lives of the Kardashians. I take my hat (and fascinator) off to them for successfully and ruthlessly feeding the insatiable appetite of an audience hungry for news and information about a bunch of fabulous nobodies.” Kim Kardashian is currently visiting Australia.
I sent the following 2 carefully researched comments on the article to The Age but both were completely censored, evidently as containing material that the Age does not want its readers to read, know or think about (for details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/11/01/8584472-australian-writer-slams-armenian-us-celebrities-as-vacuous-kardashians ).
Censored comments #1.
“Kim Kardashian is not just a "fabulous nobody" as asserted by the article but a person whose serious commitment to human rights should be urgently emulated by presently genocide-ignoring academics, journalists, politicians and Mainstream "celebrities" around the world, not least in look-the-other-way Australia.
Thus this is Kim Karadashian on the Armenian Genocide: "My family and I are incredibly proud of our heritage. My dad taught me a lot about Armenian culture, and I have a strong connection with my roots. Every year, I honor the memory of the martyrs who were killed during the 1915 Armenian Genocide. Even though so many countries around the world recognize the Genocide, the government of Turkey still denies it. It happened before Rwanda, Darfur, and the Holocaust. Maybe none of those other genocides would have happened if more nations had condemned the Armenian Genocide, when 1.5 million Armenians were massacred."
Kim Kardashian is saying what the Mainstream steadfastly refuses to say. Thus the US refuses to acknowledge the genocidal reality of the Armenian Genocide and is complicit in an ongoing Palestinian Genocide, Iraqi Genocide, Somali Genocide, Afghan Genocide and Climate Genocide (Google these terms describing ongoing genocides recognized by non-racist scholars but essentially unknown to the taxpayer-funded ABC, "Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide" and "Climate Genocide").”
Censored comments #2.
“My previously-submitted, carefully researched comments having not been published, I feel morally compelled to re-state their essence in another way.
Kim Kardashian is not a "vacuous Kardashian" or "fabulous nobody" - she has spoken out about the Armenian Genocide (1.5 million murdered, 1915-1923) and the vital, core message (remorselessly ignored by Mainstream media, academics and politicians in the Western Murdochracies and Lobbyocracies) that ignoring genocide helps lead to new genocides.
Thus the following US Alliance-imposed genocides ignored by the mainstream (war-and occupation-related deaths/ refugees in parentheses): Palestinian Genocide (0.3 million/7 million), Iraqi Genocide (4.6 million/5-6 million), Afghan Genocide (5.6 million/3-4 million), Somali Genocide (2.2 million/2.0 million), Pakistani Pashtun Genocide (0.1 million?/2 million), Libyan Genocide (0.04 million/0.1 million) and the worsening Climate Genocide (about 10 billion people, overwhelmingly non-European, are predicted by top climate scientists to perish this century due to unaddressed man-made global warming).
To discover what Australian and Western mainstream academics , politicians and media (notoriously the taxpayer-funded ABC) resolutely ignore simply Google the above phrases.
Holocaust ignoring is far, far worse than repugnant holocaust denial.?”
PS. While non-historian a Kim Kardashian has spoken out about the Armenia Genocide, given an estimate of how many people died (1.5 million) and enunciated the core message that genocide ignoring may lead to further genocides, leading Australian historian Professor Geoffrey Blainey (Companion of the Order of Australia and formerly of the University of Melbourne) totally ignored the Armenian Genocide in his books “A Short History if the World” (Viking 2000), “A Very Short History of Australia” (Viking, 2004) and “The Great Seesaw. A new view of the Western World, 1750-2000” (Macmillan, 1988).
On 28 October 2011 The Age On –line national Times published an article by Julian Assange (editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks) and Jennifer Robinson (a London media and human rights lawyer) about the recent case in which the Australian Federal Court found Murdoch media Herald-Sun journalist Andrew Bolt in violation of the Racial Discrimination Act because of a 2009 article in which he accused ''fair-skinned'' Aborigines of choosing their racial identity to get certain benefits. The article was entitled “Play ball, not Bolt, in free speech debate”: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/play-ball-not-bolt-in-free-speech-debate-20111027-1mm4h.html .
Key quotes: “It might seem unusual to take a stand for a bloke who has called you a ''patronising, supercilious racist git'' when that very same man has just been prosecuted for ''race hate speech'' - but the conviction of Andrew Bolt ought to raise alarm bells for all who believe in freedom of expression. However much you disagree with Bolt, the ''hate speech'' law under which he was prosecuted is more offensive than he is… Free speech must protect all speech, however offensive. Debates that offend the ''ordinary'' or ''typical'' Australian are precisely the debates we need. It is precisely when the majority shares a view that it needs to be challenged, because if it is wrong, then we are all imperiled.”
Exercising my freedom of speech I sent the following comment on the article to The Age in the hope that it might be published uncensored (The Age regularly censors out such comments from me and I presume from other informed credentialled people writing under their own names). However the Age completely censored out my comment even after re-submission (for details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/10/27/8512204-julian-assange-defends-freedom-of-expression-in-australia-re-bolt-case ).
"There is an intermediate position to be considered. Thus unfettered freedom of speech (FOS) is crucial for democracy, for scholarly inquiry and for rational risk management crucial for societal safety.
However that should not exclude a process involving transparent, expertly-informed judicial judgment that particular assertions were incorrect or offensive. The sole punishment of the transgressor would be the ignominy of being shown to be guilty of false or offensive comments and accordingly FOS would remain essentially uninhibited.
Such a process would be a proper alternative to the current process in which denial of aspects of the WW2 Jewish Holocaust is criminalized in some European countries (punished by up to 10 years' in prison in Austria) and several European countries have extended this approach to include denial of the 1915-1923 Armenian Genocide. Germany has suggested inclusion of all major genocide episodes.
In short, freedom of speech must be sacrosanct but a formal process of judicial rebuke of FOS abuses is surely fine as long as there is absolutely no financial or custodial punishment attached."
Censorship by The Age, arguably Australia’s best Mainstream medium, is being reported so that people can get a documented record of such censorship occurring in a Western Murdochracy and Lobbyocracy and hard evidence for what They do not want people to read or to know (see “Censorship by The Age”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-the-age and http://agecensors.blogspot.com/ ).
On 26 October 2011 The Age On-line, National Times (Melbourne, but linked Australia-wide to the Fairfax media empire) published an article by its Associate Editor Shaun Carney about the Greens and the Occupy Melbourne and Occupy Sydney events and entitled “Occupying a green space”: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/occupying-a-green-space-20111025-1mi0u.html .
Key quotes: “Sympathetic noises have come from Bandt and from Melbourne City Greens councillor Cathy Oke, who wants an inquiry into Friday's events. Other prominent Greens members have been involved in the local protest. But is the Australian manifestation of the Occupy movement - if the local chapter can be called a movement - all good news for the Greens? The local version is a series of protest groups in the literal sense: they are protesting about just about anything you can name, from a left perspective… Unlike in the United States or Britain, Australians who are unhappy with the economic and political systems have their own representatives in both houses of Parliament in the form of the Greens. And those Green MPs have an alliance with the Gillard government in the lower house and hold the balance of power in the Senate. For an organisation that attracted 12 per cent of the vote in 2010, the Greens have a lot of power; because of them, the nation is about to get a carbon tax.…In Australia, the Occupy groups, denied the overwhelming political and economic failures that have energised their American comrades, have allowed themselves to get sidetracked by their rough dealings with the police. This is confounding given their objective, which is, from what they've said so far, to rewrite Australia's power structures.”
Carney’s confused bottom-line seems to be that while ordinary British and Americans have real cause, why should the Australian left protest over a wide range of issues when Australia is so prosperous and the Greens have real power in Canberra?
The Age regularly censors the informed comments I make as a responsible, 5-decade career scientist under my own name, evidently regarding my views as unfit to be read by its readers. The Age repeatedly declined to publish my following comments on the article, ignoring the supreme irony that it is neocon media monopoly and censorship that fundamentally underlies much of the indignation of the Occupy folk (however for details of the article and the censorship see here: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/10/25/8484219-occupy-wall-street-comes-to-australia-occupying-a-green-space ) :
“This article and mainstream media (MSM) miss the point that Occupy is about a global systemic failure in which the 1% dominate policy which is of, by and for the 1% to the exclusion of the 99% (and most obviously the most disadvantaged of the 99%). Key perverted equity issues (largely ignored by MSM) below with Australia's role in parenthesis.
1. Murdochracy (Big Money buys Truth and votes) and Lobbyocracy (Big Money buys politicians and policies) has replaced democracy (notoriously so in Australia).
2. Rational risk management that successively involves (a) truth, (b) science and (c) informed systemic change is routinely perverted by the 1% into (a) untruth, censorship, (b) anti-science spin and (c) counterproductive blame and shame, with war being the worst but recurrent outcome (e.g. Oz complicit in all post-1950 US Asian wars, wars that have been associated with 28 million deaths since 1950).
3. Inequity kills. Thus 18 million people die avoidably from deprivation world-wide each year. 1 million Americans die preventably each year (Australia not far behind; 9.000 Aboriginals die avoidably each year).
4. Science says the World must stop GHG pollution by 2050 but top polluters the US and Australia want Business As Usual.
Dr Gideon Polya, Macleod.”.
[NB For a record of censorship by The Age see this site : https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-the-age and also http://agecensors.blogspot.com/ ].
13 October 2011. The Age On-line published an article by Michelle Grattan about the Carbon Tax Bills (that have just been approved by Federal parliament) and entitled “Now for the consequences of a big reform” : http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/now-for-the-consequences-of-big-reform-20111012-1ll81.html .
Key quote: “The Labor economic reforms of the 1980s and early 1990s had substantial bipartisan support and so they survived a new government. In contrast, WorkChoices became the basis of the 2007 election contest and bit the dust later. As things stand now, we look to be in for a replay [with the Carbon Tax].”
1. The Age did NOT publish my first post for whatever reason:
“The consequences of the Gillard Labor Carbon Tax-ETS have been modelled by the Treasury in a documented entitled "Strong Growth, Low Pollution" published in July 2011 with a Forward by the Treasurer Wayne Swan and the Minister for Climate Change, Greg Combet.
According to the Treasury "High Growth, Low Pollution" Report (p72), Australia's domestic greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution in millions of tonnes of CO2-equivalent (Mt CO2-e) is as follows: 555 in 2000, 578 in 2010, 621 in 2020 under the Carbon Price (12% BIGGER than in 2000) , 679 in 2020 (Business As Usual, BAU), 545 in 2050 under the Carbon Price (a mere 2% LESS than in 2000) and 1008 in 2050 (BAU).
According to these Treasury figures, in terms of Mt CO2-e Australia can only meet the "5% off 2000 level by 2020" promise (527) under the Carbon Price through purchasing 621-527 = 94 of international credits. It can only meet "80% off 2000 level by 2050" (111) through purchasing 545-111 = 434 of international credits.
Under the Carbon Price Australia's domestic plus exported GHG pollution will roughly DOUBLE by 2020 and QUADRUPLE by 2050 - a dirty energy future from climate change INACTION by Labor.”
2. However The Age DID publish he following edited version of the above comment.
“Urgently required '"tackling climate change" means reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution but Labor's Carbon Price plan increases GHG pollution.
According to the July 2011 Treasury "High Growth, Low Pollution" Report (p72), Australia's domestic greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution in millions of tonnes of CO2-equivalent (Mt CO2-e) is as follows: 555 in 2000, 578 in 2010, 621 in 2020 under the Carbon Price (12% BIGGER than in 2000) , 679 in 2020 (Business As Usual, BAU), 545 in 2050 under the Carbon Price (a mere 2% less than in 2000) and 1008 in 2050 (BAU).
According to these Treasury figures, in terms of Mt CO2-e Australia can only meet Labor's "5% off 2000 level by 2020" promise (527) under the Carbon Price through purchasing 621-527 = 94 of international credits. It can only meet "80% off 2000 level by 2050" (111) through purchasing 545-111 = 434 of international credits.
Under the Carbon Price Australia's domestic plus exported GHG pollution will roughly double by 2020 and quadruple by 2050 in relation to 2000 levels (Google "carbon price plan for climate change inaction") - a dirty energy future from climate change INACTION by Labor.”
12 October 2011. The Age On-line, National Times published an article by Wokkapedia on Pter Cundall and war poetry and entitled "The search for humanity in war": http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/blogs/wokkapedia/the-search-for-humanity-in-war-20111011-1lips.html .
However The Age has so far failed to publish either of the following 2 comments I submitted.
Comment #1.
Thank goodness for decent humanitarians like Peter Cundell.
Remember however that high technology US wars now consume vastly more enemy civilians than US soldiers. Thus UN Population Division data show that in Occupied Afghanistan avoidable Afghan deaths from war-imposed deprivation now total 4.2 million, violent deaths are estimated (from expert Iraq War comparisons) to be 1.2 million and under-5 infant deaths total 2.9 million (90% avoidable and due to gross US Alliance violation of the Geneva Convention that demands that an Occupier must provide life-sustaining food and medical services "to the fullest extent of the means available to it") (for the Awful Truth simply Google "5.6 million war-related deaths").
In contrast, US Alliance military deaths in Occupied Afghanistan total 1,805 (US), 382 (UK), 29 (Australia), 2,758 (US Alliance as a whole). The death ratio of Afghans/US Alliance military is 5, 600,000/2,758 = 2,030 as compared to 10 in WW2 for Occupied civilians/ Nazi German soldiers. Indeed in March 1944 Nazi leader Adolph Hitler ordered a death ratio of 10 in reprisal executions for partisan killing of 33 German military. On 24 March 1944 the Nazi Germans executed 330 Italian men and boys in the Ardeatine Massacre.
Memo to warmongering Lib-Labs: thou shalt not kill children.
Comment #2.
Re-submitted: Thank goodness for decent humanitarians like Peter Cundall.
Remember however that high technology US wars now consume vastly more enemy civilians than US soldiers. Thus UN Population Division data show that in Occupied Afghanistan avoidable Afghan deaths from war-imposed deprivation now total 4.2 million, violent deaths are estimated (from expert Iraq War comparisons) to be 1.2 million and under-5 infant deaths total 2.9 million (90% avoidable and due to gross US Alliance violation of the Geneva Convention that demands that an Occupier must provide life-sustaining food and medical services "to the fullest extent of the means available to it") (for the Awful Truth simply Google "5.6 million war-related deaths").
In contrast, US Alliance military deaths in Occupied Afghanistan total 1,805 (US), 382 (UK), 29 (Australia), 2,758 (US Alliance as a whole). The death ratio of Afghans/US Alliance military is 5, 600,000/2,758 = 2,030 as compared to 10 in WW2 for Occupied civilians/ Nazi German soldiers. Indeed in March 1944 Nazi leader Adolph Hitler ordered a death ratio of 10 in reprisal executions for partisan killing of 33 German military. On 24 March 1944 the Nazi Germans executed 330 Italian men and boys in the Ardeatine Massacre.
Memo to warmongering Lib-Labs: thou shalt not kill children.
3 October 2011. Paul Sheehan wrote in The Age On-line National Times about the love life of the late Jewish billionaire Richard Pratt in an article entitled “”Even lust loses in this story of dirt”: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/even-lust-loses-in-this-story-of-dirt-20111002-1l3rj.html .
The Age censored the following comment I submitted about the article:
"Richard Pratt's crimes extended far beyond his offences against bourgeois values and Australian Law. Thus he funded the Australian Labor Party (aka the Apartheid Israel-supporting Labor Party) with the proceeds of crime and hence ultimately the removal of a popularly-elected Australian PM Kevin Rudd by notoriously pro-Zionist conspirators (see Jewish Australian writer Antony Loewenstein's analysis:"Does the Zionist Lobby have blood on its hands in Australia?") and provided huge financial support for racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel and hence for what is referred to by eminent Jewish and non-Jewish writers as the Palestinian Genocide (Google "The Plight of the Palestinians").
Australia's most famous and eminent Jewish citizen Sir Isaac Isaacs, the first Australian-born Governor General of Australia, had this to says about those supporting Zionism: "“The honour of Jews throughout the world demands the renunciation of political Zionism" and "the Zionist movement as a whole...now places its own unwarranted interpretation on the Balfour Declaration, and makes demands that are arousing the antagonism of the Moslem world of nearly 400 millions, thereby menacing the safety of our Empire, endangering world peace and imperiling some of the most sacred associations of the Jewish, Christian, and Moslem faiths. Besides their inherent injustice to others these demands would, I believe, seriously and detrimentally affect the general position of Jews throughout the world."
28 September 2011. The Age On-line National Times section published an article by MP Tanya Plibersek about love of country an entitled “Love of Australia is about more than lifestyle”: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/love-of-australia-is-about-more-than-lifestyle-20110928-1kwfd.html .
The Age completely censored the following comment I submitted about the article as presumably containing facts and views it does not want its readers to read or to know about:
Love of Australia means (1) love of Australians, (2) love of Australian landscape, ecosystems, and species, and (3) love of values particularly valued by Australians. Unfortunately Tanya Plibersek's own party fails on all 3 criteria as outlined below.
1. 3,000 Australians (1,200 under Rudd or Gillard Labor) have died from opiate drug-related causes due to US Alliance (including Australia) restoring the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry; an estimated 10,000 Australians die avoidably each year from carbon burning under a pro-coal, pro-gas, pro-fossil fuel Labor Government.
2. Despite endless rhetoric to the contrary, pro-coal, pro-gas Labor's plan to tackle climate change actually means that Australia's domestic greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution will actually INCREASE 25% by 2020 compared to that in 2000 (Treasury modeling). Under Labor Australia is a world leader in annual per capita GHG pollution (71 times greater than Bangladesh's) and Labor's plan of climate change inaction if adopted globally would mean destruction of most existing ecosystems and species in Australia and the World.
3. Australia has been involved in deliberately starving 6-7 million Indians to death in WW2, in all post-1950 US Asian wars (war-related deaths 29 million) and in the continuing Aboriginal Genocide (9,000 avoidable deaths annually).
23 September 2011. The Age On-line National Times, Rocco Blog-Go, “Obamania! Everybody loves Obama!” on forthcoming trip of Obama to Australia: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/blogs/rocco-bloggo/obamania-everybody-loves-obama-20110922-1kmiw.html .
1. The Age censored my first submission:
"Not everybody loves Obama. Here is a short list of those I presume do NOT love Obama.
1. The parents and other relatives of the 6 million under-5 year old infants who have died in US Alliance-violated countries since 1990, the breakdown being 2.0 million (Iraq, 1990-2011), 1.3 million (Somalia, 1992-2011) and 2.7 million (Afghanistan, 2001-2011), 90% of these deaths being avoidable and due to gross violation of the Geneva Convention by the US Alliance (data: UN Population Division).
2. The parents and other relatives of the 9 million Muslims who have died from US violence or war-imposed deprivation since the 9-11 atrocity (itself almost certainly committed with US complicity; for expert opinions Google "US did 9-11"), the breakdown being 2.7 million (Iraq, 2003-2011), 1.1 million (Somalia, 2001-2011) and 5.0 million (Afghanistan, 2001-2011) (for details Google "Muslim Holocaust").
3. The parents and other relatives of the 18 million Third World people who die avoidably each year on Spaceship Earth with Obama in charge of the flight deck.
4. The parents and other relatives of the 3,000 Australians and 200,000 Americans who have died from US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry."
2. However The Age DID publish my re-submitted comment:
"Resubmitted: not everybody loves Obama. Here is a short list of those I presume do NOT love Obama.
1. The parents and other relatives of the 6 million under-5 year old infants who have died in US Alliance-violated countries since 1990, the breakdown being 2.0 million (Iraq, 1990-2011), 1.3 million (Somalia, 1992-2011) and 2.7 million (Afghanistan, 2001-2011), 90% of these deaths being avoidable and due to gross violation of the Geneva Convention by the US Alliance (data: UN Population Division).
2. The parents and other relatives of the 9 million Muslims who have died from US violence or war-imposed deprivation since the 9-11 atrocity (itself almost certainly committed with US complicity; for expert opinions Google "US did 9-11"), the breakdown being 2.7 million (Iraq, 2003-2011), 1.1 million (Somalia, 2001-2011) and 5.0 million (Afghanistan, 2001-2011) (for details Google "Muslim Holocaust").
3. The parents and other relatives of the 18 million Third World people who die avoidably each year on Spaceship Earth with Obama in charge of the flight deck.
4. The parents and other relatives of the 3,000 Australians and 200,000 Americans who have died from US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry."
21 September 2011. The Age On-line National Times section, Thomas Caldwell wrote an article entitled "Making stupidity a virtue in Hollywood is dumb": http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/making-stupidity-a-virtue-in-hollywood-is-dumb-20110920-1kjgt.html .
The Age DID publish the following comment (after it had been sent twice):
"Unfortunately Australia has become an Orwellian Murdochracy (Big Money buys votes and public perception of the truth) and Lobbyocracy (Big Money buys politicians and policy) in which the dissenting experts are sidelined, disparaged or ignored.
Australian politicians and media follow the assertions of Big Brother in Orwell's "1984" that "war is peace" (war in Iraq and Afghanistan is asserted to bring peace and freedom), "slavery is freedom" (ditto), "2 plus 2 does not equal 4" (war-related deaths from violence or war-imposed deprivation now total 9 million the in Iraqi, Somalian, Palestinian, Syrian, Lebanese and Afghan Occupied Territories) and "ignorance is strength" ( e.g. ignoring the experts over the worsening climate emergency).
Thus the recent ABC TV Four Corners program "The Carbon War" overwhelmingly devoted itself to the spin and hysteria of climate change denialists and politicians to the near-total exclusion of experts. While Professor Chubb was able to say that the carbon debate was abysmal, Professor Will Steffen that pricing carbon could be useful and Dr Nikki Williams was able to expertly comment on the coal industry, NOT revealed was that the Coalition and Labor have identical, disastrous, carbon pollution-increasing goals of "5% off 2000 domestic greenhouse gas pollution by 2020" and unlimited coal and gas exports."
The Age also published the following further comment:
"Forrest Gump is gormless and part of the asserted "history" in the Hollywood movie is utterly false. Thus Forrest Gump and his girlfriend kiss in an otherwise empty Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool in Washington at the time of the huge, 500,000-person demonstration against the war criminal bombing of Cambodia over 40 years ago. I and my friends had traveled far to join the 500,000 wonderful, decent Americans in this huge demonstration. It being a very hot day the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool was full of demonstrators, most of them naked it appeared."
On 14 September 2011 The Age published an excellent article by Australian Deputy Leader of the Opposition Julie Bishop about the fracturing relations between the State of Israel and the major majority-Muslim states of Egypt and Turkey. Her article was entitled “Fracturing relations in the Middle East”. Key quote: “"The simultaneous breakdown in relations between Israel and the two Muslim nations which had constituted a strategic security and diplomatic bulwark for the Jewish state, represents a significant upheaval in the region. Australia must stand firmly with Israel at this tumultuous point in its history” (see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/blogs/the-bishops-gambit/fracturing-relations-in-the-middle-east-20110914-1k87o.html ).
The Age completely censored out 2 successive comments I made about the article, presumably because its agent regarded them as containing material that should not be read by its readers even if buried in a comment thread (for details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/09/13/7749047-leading-oz-opposition-mp-on-egypt-turkey-israel-fracturing-relations ).
Censored comment 1.
"Some hard facts are needed to counter this flagrant pro-Zionist propaganda piece by Julie Bishop.
1. Israeli forces attacked Turkish and other ships in international waters in an act of piracy, killing 9 Turks (including an American) and kidnapping 5 Australian (1 shot, 1 tasered, all robbed). Neither the Zionist-beholden Labor Government nor the Zionist-beholden Coalition has demanded extradition and trial of the Israeli terrorists.
2. The "Jewish State" is anathema to Orthodox Jews (who believe that there can be no return to Zion until the Messiah comes) and to an overwhelming majority of people in the World who object to race-based Apartheid states, the more so when they have been established by genocidal colonial conquest.
3. In 1880 Jews (50% immigrants) represented 5% of the Palestinian population but the Zionists have extended their race-based rule to all of Palestine plus part of Lebanon and a big slab of Syria. There are over 7 million Palestinian refugees and of 12 million Palestinians in the World (mostly refugees) only the adults of 1.5 million Palestinian Israelis are permitted to vote in Apartheid Israel's "democracy by genocide".
4. The strongest Western critics of Apartheid Israel are anti-racist, humanitarian Jews. Indeed Australia's most famous Jewish figure Governor-General Sir Isaac Isaacs strongly opposed Zionism. "
Censored comment 2 (I am merely a much-published, 5-decade career scientist who is prepared to research and make comments in the public interest under my own name but am regularly censored by The Age. However will The Age likewise censor the anti-Zionist opinions of really outstanding, anti-racist, humanitarian Jewish scholars? To test this I sent the following further comment to The Age).
"The pro-Israeli stance of the Coalition and Labor is at variance with the opinions of outstanding anti-racist humanitarian Jewish intellectuals.
Thus Sir Isaac Isaacs (1855–1948) (an Australian judge and politician, ninth Governor General of Australia, the first Australian-born in Australia to occupy that post, and strongly anti-Zionist) (1946): "“The honour of Jews throughout the world demands the renunciation of political Zionism" and "the Zionist movement as a whole...now places its own unwarranted interpretation on the Balfour Declaration, and makes demands that are arousing the antagonism of the Moslem world of nearly 400 millions, thereby menacing the safety of our Empire, endangering world peace and imperiling some of the most sacred associations of the Jewish, Christian, and Moslem faiths. Besides their inherent injustice to others these demands would, I believe, seriously and detrimentally affect the general position of Jews throughout the world."
Jewish Israeli Professor Avi Shlaim (Professor of International Relations, Oxford University): "brief review of Israel's record over the past four decades makes it difficult to resist the conclusion that it has become a rogue state with "an utterly unscrupulous set of leaders. A rogue state habitually violates international law, possesses weapons of mass destruction and practises terrorism - the use of violence against civilians for political purposes. Israel fulfils all of these three criteria."
On 14 September 2011 The Age published an excellent article by Sydney Morning Herald economics editor Ross Gittins about the multi-trillion dollar cost of post-9-11 anti-terrorism. His article was entitled “A vast cost in feeling a little more secure” A key quote [my amplifying additions in square brackets] : “"total additional [US anti-terrorism] cost since 2001 to well over $US1 trillion. Those figures don't include the cost to US taxpayers of the terrorism-related wars in Iraq and Afghanistan [$4-5-5.5 trillion accrual cost]. The equivalent figure for Australia (which does include the cost of the wars) is about $30 billion” (see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/a-vast-cost-in-feeling-just-a-little-more-secure-20110913-1k7l1.html ).
The Age completely censored out 2 successive comments I made about the article, presumably because its agent regarded them as containing material that should not be read by its readers even if buried in a comment thread (for details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/09/13/7748332-cost-of-anti-terrorism-post-9-11-1-trillion-plus-cost-of-iraq-afghan-wars ).
Censored comment 1.
"The key data for Australia are (A) the post-9-11 annual probability of an Australian being killed by a terrorist of 1 in 7 million and (B) the cost of anti-terrorism (including wars) of $30 billion or $3 billion pa since 9-11. Some analysis below.
(A). In the 10 years since 9-11about 100 Australians have been killed by terrorists worldwide. Given an average population of 20.4 million we can calculate the annual probability of an Australian being killed by a terrorist (P) as 100/(20.4 million x 10 years) = 1 in 2 million per year (2001-2011). However only 4 Australians have been killed by terrorists within Australia since 1978 and accordingly P = 1 in 149 million (within Australia, 1978-2011) or 1 in 6 million (anywhere, 1978-2011). Compare this with the annual probability of an Australian dying of 1 in 10, 000 (from vehicle accident), 1 in 1,000 (from smoking) and 1 in 56 for Indigenous Australians (9,000 deaths pa, population 0.5 million).
(B) Indigenous health ($1.5 billion pa) is under-funded 3-fold (it should be $4.5 billion pa), the difference being $3 billion pa or Australia 's annual anti-terrorism cost."
Censored comment 2 (giving the opinion of an outstanding, anti-racist, humanitarian Jewish American scholar).
"Mainstream media and politicians have uncritically supported US terror hysteria and the "official version of 9-11" from the same Bush Administration that, according to the US Center for Public Integrity, told 935 lies about Iraq in the 2 years after 9-11 (most notably about later proved to be non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction).
However this is what outstanding, anti-racist, humanitarian Jewish American writer Stephen Lendman has written (my emphasis capitalized) : "Back then, the whole world watched the horrific spectacle, including planes hitting the towers, both bursting into flames, desperate people jumping out of windows to avoid incineration, and then collapse at near free-fall speed, later proved (but unreported) BY CONTROLLED DEMOLITIONS... America's post-9/11 decade is best called its visible fall from grace, waging permanent wars on humanity for wealth and power, never for falsified hyped reasons everyone needs to understand and condemn.
But don't expect America's media to explain. They're, in fact, complicit by regurgitating official lies, vilifying Islam, and resonating war fever discourse for intervention, featuring one-sided reports and commentaries.
Absent was critical debate. Vital questions weren't asked. Militarism instead was promoted as the solution to "global terrorism.""
On 13 September 2011 The Age published an article by Australian Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young about the proposed media inquiry for Australia after the phone hacking scandals of News Corp in the UK (Murdoch has a News Limited in Australia) . Her article was entitled “Is our News Limited?” A key quote: “In Britain, the phone-hacking scandal has put Rupert Murdoch's media empire under unprecedented scrutiny. Questions are being asked about News Corporation's influence over British democracy — its capacity to make and break prime ministers and to set the policy agenda of the day. In Australia, similar questions must also be asked. News Limited controls 70 per cent of our nation's print media, representing the greatest concentration of media ownership in the democratic world” (see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/blogs/gengreens/is-our-news-limited-20110912-1k5ow.html ).
I sent 2 separate comments to The Age (owned by Murdoch’s rival in Australia , the Fairfax Empire) but they were both completely censored by The Age which evidently regarded them as containing material that should not be read by its readers even if buried in a comment thread of over 200 comments (for details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/09/12/7732762-post-uk-phone-hacking-oz-inquiry-call-re-news-corp-media-ownership ).
Censored comment 1.
"Good article by Senator Sarah Hanson-Young but Australia's media woes are not confined to the foreign-owned Murdoch Empire that owns most Australian city newspapers. Thus the Australian taxpayer-funded ABC matches the US-owned News Corp for grossly deficient reportage and incorrect reportage in major areas. Some examples below relating to Climate Change, Nuclear Terrorism and Poverty , these being regarded as 3 major risks for Humanity by President Barak Obama's eminent chief science adviser Professor John Holdren.
1. Climate Change. News Corp is notorious for pushing climate change denialism and climate change inaction. However the ABC flagrantly pushes Labor's Carbon Tax that Treasury modelling reveals as climate change inaction and repeatedly reports anti-science falsehoods such as "gas is clean" (for details sent to MPs and media Google "ABC lying by omission and commission").
2. Nuclear Terrorism. News Corp and the ABC both push pro-war propaganda in support of Western nuclear terrorist states but resolutely refuse to report or otherwise grossly underestimate by a factor of about 100 the 9 million Muslim war-related deaths so far in the US War on Terror.
3. Poverty. Currently 18 million people die avoidably each year from deprivation and deprivation-exacerbated disease on Spaceship Earth with the First World running the flight deck, a worsening catastrophe resolutely ignored by both News Corp and the taxpayer-funded ABC.
Media inquiry now!"
Censored comment 2.
"From a scientific risk management perspective, the glaring, fundamental, Elephant in the Room problems with Australian media are self-censorship, censorship and lying by omission and commission. Indeed the more important the issue the greater the lying and censorship and numerous examples can be given of this in relation to the critical threats facing humanity, namely climate change, war and poverty. Sadly, my carefully researched comment in this regard about the senator's article that I submitted earlier has somehow gone astray, one supposes because it contains facts or opinions someone does not want readers of The Age to read even if buried in a lengthy comment thread.
In short, while pro-war, pro-inequity News Corp is also disgracefully and dangerously climate change denialist, the taxpayer-funded ABC similarly ignores 9 million war-related deaths in the War on Terror (Google Muslim Holocaust), 18 million annual global deaths from deprivation (Google UN Population Division) and the dishonest and appalling climate change inaction implicit in Labor's counterproductive Carbon Tax plan (for my detailed analysis sent to media and MPs, including Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, Google "ABC lying by omission and commission").
I look forward to cataloging the lies of omission and commission by Australian media, including the taxpayer-funded ABC, to a Parliamentary Media Inquiry."
On 8 September 2011 The Age published an article on terrorism by Dr Carl Ungerer (director of the national security program at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute and a visiting fellow at Georgetown University). His article was entitled “No room for complacency on terrorism. Key quotes: “Ten years after Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda launched the September 11 attacks on the US, the terrorism debate in Australia continues to revolve around persistent myths. Let's put a few of them to the test, beginning with the notion that the group is no longer a threat to Australia… Increasingly, the ''war on terror'' is a conflict not just against al-Qaeda central, but against al-Qaeda's associates, affiliates and support networks in Africa, Asia and the Middle East” (see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/no-room-for-complacency-on-terrorism-20110907-1jxp0.html ).
I sent the following 2 comments on the article to The Age in the hope that they might be published uncensored but they were both completely censored, presumably because The Age’s agent regarded them as containing material that should not be read by its readers even if buried in a comment thread (for details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/09/07/7655646-strategist-on-9-11-anniversary-no-room-for-complacency-on-terrorism ).
Censored comment 1.
"This analysis commences with the standard but most likely incorrect mantra: "Ten years after Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda launched the September 11 attacks on the United States".
Science, engineering, architecture, aviation, military and intelligence experts say that the US did 9-11 (Google "US did 9-11") and reject the "official conspiracy theory" of the pathologically dishonest and violent Bush Administration that according to 2 US think tanks as reported by News Corp told 935 lies about Iraq alone in the 2 years after 9-11.
Thus Professor Niels Harrit (Chemistry Department, 9-Nobel-Laureate University of Copenhagen) who identified unexploded nano-thermite in all World Trade Center dust samples analyzed: "“we haven’t seen the evidence for this person [Osama] actually being guilty in the crime, and he is not wanted by the FBI for this attack on 9/11... There is no doubt that this building [WTC7] was taken down in a controlled demolition ... We know explosives were used... Nano-thermite shouldn’t have been there”.
Ditto Major-General Albert Stubblebine who retired as head of US Army Intelligence and Security Command, INSCOM, and many others.
Post-9-11 war-related Somali, Iraqi and Afghan deaths from US state terrorism now total 9 million (Google Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide).?”
Censored comment 2.
"My earlier carefully researched and referenced submitted comment has somehow gone astray.
About 3,000 people were killed on 9-11but no perpetrators have been found guilty in a court of law.
Post-9-11 war-related deaths in the Australia-complicit US War on Terror now total 9 million, the breakdown being 2.7 million (Iraq), 1.1 million (Somalia) and 5.0 million (Afghanistan) (Google Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide ).
We do not know for sure how 9-11 was perpetrated but key scientific analysis, most notably by Danish chemist Professor Niels Harrit, makes it it almost certain that the US was involved (Google "US did 9-11"). However the genocidal criminality of US state terrorism (9 million post-9-11 war-related Muslim deaths so far) is clearly revealed by UN and medical epidemiological demographic statistics.
About 800 CHILDREN die avoidably EVERY DAY in the Overseas American Empire due to Occupier war crimes (Google "Hey hey USA how many kids did you kill today?") . In contrast, according to US State Department figures, the number of US citizens killed worldwide in 2010 "as a result of incidents of terrorism" was 15 (down from 25 in 2009).
US state terrorism remains a huge and increasing threat to humanity."
On 7 September 2011 The Age published an article on program cut-backs at Australia’s ABC (the Australian equivalent of the UK BBC) by Mark Scott (managing director of the ABC). His article was entitled “As a mirror to our culture, the ABC is not sitting on its Arts”. Key quote: “"It speaks volumes for the community support for the ABC that almost every content decision attracts debate. But our programmers and schedulers need the freedom to innovate and challenge; to search for better ways to engage the audience” (see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/as-a-mirror-to-our-culture-abc-is-not-sitting-on-its-arts-20110906-1jvs1.html ).
I sent the following comment on the article to The Age in the hope that it might be published uncensored but they were both completely censored, presumably because The Age’s agent regarded them as containing material that should not be read by its readers even if buried in a comment thread (for details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/09/06/7636286-australian-abc-head-on-abc-cutting-major-arts-programs ).
Censored comment.
"The Arts help understanding of self and society but so does accurate News reportage. The ABC is important for the Arts but its scandalous non-reportage of crucial News demands a Royal Commission. Numerous examples of such non-reportage can be determined by searching "the entire ABC site" using the ABC Search engine.
1. Labor's Carbon Price plan is ostensibly about DECREASING GHG pollution but the Treasury report “Strong growth, low pollution” shows that under the Carbon Price plan Australia’s domestic GHG pollution will INCREASE to 621 Mt CO2-e (million tones of CO2-equivalent) in 2020, 25% BIGGER than that in 2000. However searches using the taxpayer-funded ABC’s own search engine for “621 million” and “Strong growth, low pollution” yield 1 and 0 reports, respectively, whereas a search of the ABC for the Labor Government’s document “Clean energy future” yields 348 reports, noting that this document contains numerous falsehoods. Further, the ABC endlessly reports “gas is clean” and like falsehoods.
2. Professor Niels Harrit (University of Copenhagen chemist) proved US-complicit explosive demolition of the WTC on 9-11 (yet zero ABC reportage of "niels harrit").
3. The authoritatively estimated 9 million Muslim war-related deaths in the post-9-11 US War on Terror go unreported by the ABC."
On 5 September 2011 The Age published an article by eminent writer David Marr about Australia’s shocking treatment of refugees. His article was entitled “New Pacific fix all but impossible”. Key quote re the High Court banning the sending of refugees from Australia to Malaysia : "Every way out of this mess seems to lead to another quagmire. And in the opinion of Stephen Gageler, SC, the past is looking as messy as the future” (see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/new-pacific-fix-all-but-impossible-20110904-1jslh.html ).
I sent the following comment on this excellent article to The Age which published it except for the last sentence which it partly censored to remove any mention of "Israel" (like other Mainstream media in Australia, and indeed the West as a whole, The Age is infested with Zionists and pro-Zionists; the censored part is in bold): (for details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/09/04/7606335-oz-refugee-mess-abbott-offers-help-to-revive-nauru-detention-centre ).
"Excellent article by David Marr The obvious humane solution evidently evades most Australians and both the Coalition and Labor who are trying to outdo each other in inhumanity.
Since 90% of these refugees are eventually found to be genuine refugees, they should be allowed to live and work in the community until this is properly established, with a small minority of problem cases being electronically tagged. (thus the 2 members of my family members who found haven from Nazism in Australia in 1939 - New Zealand completely excluded such refugees - were required as enemy aliens to attend a local police station each week).
Forgotten in the appalling refugee debate is who generated over 20 million Muslim refugees in the first place, the breakdown being 7 million Palestinians, 5-6 million Iraqis, 3-4 million Afghans, 2.0 million Somalis and about 2 million Pashtun refugees generated by US violence in NW Pakistan (see UNHCR).
Former PM Kevin Rudd declared that those trying to find safe haven for these desperate refugees, the so-called people smugglers, are "scum of the earth who should rot in hell". How then should we describe those of the US Alliance who violently generated over 20 million Muslim refugees in the first place?
Humanity also for the Tamil refugees fleeing the US- and Israeli-complicit Tamil Genocide."
On 5 September 2011 The Age published an article re 9-11, Iraq, Afghanistan etc by former Australian PM John Howard. His article was entitled “A way of life attacked”. John Howard ordered the illegal Australian invasion of in March 2003 (see the article here: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/a-way-of-life-attacked-20110904-1js5p.html ).
I sent the following comment on this disgraceful article to The Age which published it but censored out the final sentence in bold below (fro details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/09/04/7606146-former-australian-pm-john-howard-writes-on-9-11-10th-anniversary ).
Partly censored Comment 1.
"A disgraceful re-writing of history by John Howard.
In post-invasion Iraq excess deaths from war-imposed deprivation total 1.2 million, violent deaths total 1.5 million (US Just Foreign Policy), under-5 infant deaths total 0.8 million (90% avoidable and due to gross US Alliance violation of the Geneva Convention) and refugees total 5-6 million (for details Google Iraqi Holocaust, Iraqi Genocide).
RAWA , Afghanistan's oldest women's political organization, is opposed to the Taliban, the US-backed war lords and the US Alliance occupiers. On the occasion of the 9th anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan RAWA published my documented assessment of the horrendous human cost of 3.8 million post-invasion deaths from war-imposed deprivation , 1.2 million violent deaths (from Iraq war comparisons), 2.7 million under-5 infant deaths (90% avoidable and due to US Alliance violation of the Geneva Convention) and 3-4 million refugees (for details Google Afghan Holocaust, Afghan Genocide).
Post-9-11war-related Muslim deaths total about 9 million, the breakdown being 2.7 million (Iraq), 5.0 million (Afghanistan) and 1 million (Somalia).
And as for compelling evidence for US complicity in 9-11 (3,000 dead) (Google "Experts: US did 9-11".
Uncensored Comment 2.
Because The Age had censored out my comment about US complicity in 9-11, I sent the following further comment, specifically the view of outstanding US general and intelligence expert Major-General Stubblebine, which The Age published in full.
“Major General Albert N. Stubblebine (former Commanding General of the US Army Intelligence and Security Command, INSCOM) differs from John Howard over 9-11 (as did Lt-Col Andrew Wilkie over non-existent Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction): "You look at the buildings falling, they didn't fall down because of an airplane hit them, they fell down because explosives went off inside. Demolition. Look at Building 7 for God sakes ... I do not believe the free press is free anymore... The press is saying what they have been told to say about this. Now do I have proof about this? No. But I believe that all the stories that were told about 9/11 were false... What is it they do not want the public to know? ... One of my experiences in the Army was being in charge of the Army's Imagery Interpretation for Scientific and Technical Intelligence during the Cold War. I measured pieces of Soviet equipment from photographs. It was my job. I look at the hole in the Pentagon and I look at the size of an airplane that was supposed to have hit the Pentagon. And I said, "The plane does not fit in that hole". So what did hit the Pentagon? What hit it? Where is it? What's going on?"
On 31 August 2011 The Age published an article on the Labor Government’s Carbon Tax proposal by former Australian Coalition Government Treasurer Peter Costello. Article was entitled “Without a carbon tax, the steel industry might stand a chance” (for the article see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/without-a-carbon-tax-steel-industry-jobs-might-stand-a-chance-20110830-1jk03.html ).
I sent the following carefully researched comment on the article to The Age but it appears that this medium via its agent has found these comments made under my own name to be unfit for its readers to read:
"Peter Costello sensibly queries "why it [Labor] wants to impose the tax in the first place."
"Tackling climate change" surely means that greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution will DECREASE. However official Treasury modeling of the Carbon Price impact released a few weeks ago shows that Australia's domestic GHG pollution will be 621 Mt CO2-e (million tonnes CO2-equivalent) in 2020, an INCREASE from the 600 in 2009 and 496 in 2000.
Treasury modelling, ABARE and US EIA data show that Australia's Exported GHG pollution (in Mt CO2-e) will also INCREASE under Labor's Carbon Price (Google "Plan means increased GHG"):
2000: 496 (Domestic) + 505 (coal exports) + 17 (LNG exports) = 1018.
2009: 600 (Domestic) + 784 (coal exports) + 31 (LNG exports) = 1,415.
2020: 621 (Domestic) + 1,039 (black coal exports) + 80 (LNG exports) + 59 (brown coal exports) = 1,799.
2050: 527 (Domestic) + 2902 (coal exports) + 1,061 (LNG exports) = 4,490.
Pro-coal, pro-gas Labor is absurdly asserting that "more means less"."
On 25 July 2011 the Age On-line National YTimes section published an article by Anthony Browne about the horrifying Norway Massacre and entitled “Massacre marks end of Norway's golden era” (see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/massacre-marks-end-of-norways-golden-era-20110724-1hv8g.html ). ” I sent the following comment on the article to The Age in the hope that it might be published uncensored (for details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/07/24/7156332-uk-writer-browne-oslo-massacre-marks-end-of-norways-golden-era ). The evidently Zionist-beholden newspaper The Age, the regularly censors my informed, documented, credentialled comments made in the public interest under my own name, completely censored my comment below, thus providing further evidence of what it evidently does not want its readers to read or to know:
"The article totally misses the point that the mass murderer was a fanatical and genocidal Christian Zionist, anti-Arab anti-Semite and Islamophobe who wanted all Muslims expelled from Europe and from the West Bank and Gaza Strip of Palestine.
Thus the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) reports: "The confessed perpetrator in the attack in Norway that killed as many as 98 people espoused a right-wing philosophy against Islam that also purports to be pro-Zionist... [called] for "the deportation of all Muslims from Europe" as well as from "the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.""
The right-wing Jewish Israeli newspaper The Jerusalem Post reports: "1,500 page manifesto credited to Breivik, accused of killing spree, lays out worldview including extreme screed of Islamophobia, far-right Zionism... held fiercely anti-Islamic and pro-Israel views, according to a 1,500 page manifesto he uploaded before his killing spree Friday. In the 1,500-page tome, which mentions Israel 359 times and “Jews” 324 times, Breivik lays out his worldview, which includes an extreme, bizarre and rambling screed of Islamophobia, far-right Zionism and venomous attacks on Marxism and multi-culturalism."
Genocidal racism, including Australian Lib-Lab-supported racist Zionism, should be sidelined in public life as have been the similarly racist Nazis, neo-Nazis, Apartheiders and KKK. "
On 21 July 2011 The Age carried a weak article by Paul Sheehan (Sydney Morning Herald columnist) entitled “Plot getting thicker but News not for burial” (see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/plot-getting-thicker-but-news-not-for-burial-20110720-1hov5.html ) in which he stated : "I'm aware of no evidence that the crude values of the News of The World, which are not replicated in News Corp's other newspapers in the US, Australia or Britain, have infected the rest of the group. Long before Murdoch bought the paper in 1969, the News of The World had a sorry record of ethical malpractice, defamation actions and official complaints."
The Age completely censored my following comment on the article (for more details of the article and censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/07/20/7126923-australian-columnist-plot-getting-thicker-but-murdochs-news-not-for-burial ). The Age evidently felt the contents of my following comment should not be read or known by its readers:
“This disgusting business in which Murdoch employees brought distress to some celebrities and to some bereaved parents and perverted law and order through the bribing of UK policemen, hides the remorselessly ignored, Elephant in the Room Awful Truth of the deadly jingoism, censorship, holocaust-ignoring and genocide-ignoring non-reportage, deadly climate change denialism and perversion of Democracy by the Murdoch media empire in the Western Murdochcracies and caused massive bereavement to at least 25 million people so far in the US killing fields of Africa and Asia.
Murdoch media support for Murdochracy US wars has been associated so far with about 12 million violent deaths and avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation, principally in Iraq (1990-2011, 4.6 million), Somalia (1992-2011, 2.2 million) and Afghanistan (2001-2011, 5.0 million), these shocking UN data- derived estimates being consonant with UN-derived estimates of under-5 infant deaths totaling 2.0 million, 1.3 million and 2.7 million, respectively, and refugees totaling 5-6 million, 2.0 million and 3-4 million, respectively - horrendous, war criminal carnage ignored by the Murdoch media.
The climate change denialism of Murdoch media threatens to kill about 10 billion people this century (Google "Climate Genocide") - ergo Boycott Murdoch media."
On 20 July 2001 The Age On-line National Times published an article by Peter Costello on hacking-, bribery- and Murdoch scandal-related calls from Australian Greens leader Senator Bob Brown Brown, Labor Senator Stephen Conroy and Australian PM Julia Gillard for an inquiry into Australian media and entitled “Media inquiry just a tool top stifle critical comment” (see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/media-inquiry-just-a-tool-to-stifle-critical-comment-20110719-1hn1e.html ). The sub-heading read: “Starting a debate about media bias is one way to get the focus off the carbon tax.”
I sent the following comment on the article to The Age which substantially censored me ("stifled comment") as shown by publishing my comments except as indicated below (thereby providing evidence for what The Age does not want its readers to read or to know; the only evidence of censorship was ... before the censored out part) (for details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/07/20/7116607-oz-ex-treasurer-on-fos-media-inquiry-just-a-tool-to-stifle-critical-comment ) :
"I agree with Peter Costello that the media should be free to say what they like (remember Voltaire's famous aphorism) - but they should also be accountable by an authoritative process of scholar- and scientist-informed non-punitive public exposure that corrects blatant falsehoods.
As a 5 decade career scientist involved in academic teaching for 40 years i am appalled by the huge gulf between scientific perception and public perception, notably in the area of climate science.
While one cannot prevent the more notorious climate change denialists from spouting their dangerous, anti-science rubbish, our Democracy demands some kind of authoritative mechanism to correct the falsehoods … CENSORED OUT: if only to correct the inherent intellectual abuse of children in particular.
An important example is the area of holocaust denial which has been criminalized in a number of Western European countries in relation to the Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million killed, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation) that was a part of a much greater WW2 Holocaust in which 30 million Slavs, Jews and Gypsies died. Sensible scholars say that holocaust denial in general (e.g. Mainstream ignoring of the WW2 Bengali Holocaust in which Churchill killed 6-7 million Indians) should not be criminalized but for the sake of both free speech and scholarship merely exposed by some kind of formal judicial process i.e. the only punishment would be public exposure of the egregious falsehood END CENSORED OUT.”
As a 5 decade-career scientist and 4 decade career academic teacher I endlessly write to the media under my own name to expose horrendous civilian deaths in the US African and Asian wars and about the worsening Climate Genocide. The silence is deafening through ignoring and censorship.
For more details of censorship of informed, credentialed, non-anonymous, professional comment by The Age see “Mainstream media censorship”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/ , and “Censorship by The Age”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-the-age and http://agecensors.blogspot.com/ .
On Friday 15 July 2011 the Age published an article by Tim Dixon (former speechwriter and economic adviser to prime ministers Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard and now working in the US) and . Matt Browne (a senior fellow at the Centre for American Progress in Washington, and leads the Global Progress network of progressive parties and think tanks) on debate on issues such as climate change policy and entitled “Mature debate on our future needed, not Tea Party –style militancy” (see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/mature-debate-on-our-future-needed-not-tea-partystyle-militancy-20110714-1hfra.html ).
These evidently Labor- and Democrat-oriented analysts stated in part: “A wealth fund set up with oil revenues two decades ago by Norway - a much smaller economy than Australia - now exceeds $500 billion, a magnificent endowment that gives Norwegians a ''Plan B'' if the nation's fortunes suddenly change. Australia could also tackle growing social disadvantage at its roots, with large-scale investment in schools and infrastructure across its city fringes. Each of those steps requires deliberate choices and a sensible national debate… The Tea Party militancy of states such as Kansas is now infecting Australia's Coalition parties and many opinion makers - parochial, inward-looking and uninterested in the economics of the future. Will Australia follow the road to California or to Kansas? Sometimes we make the best choices by pressing the fast-forward button and imagining ourselves looking back, years from now. The course of events that takes us to 2030 is unknown. But there's little doubt that the countries best placed will be those who are open, tolerant, diverse, highly skilled and less dependent on carbon fuels. Australia can be all those things - and become the country everyone else wants to be.”
I made 2 unsuccessful attempts at expressing an informed,, science-based opinion on the article. However The Age (which regularly censors my carefully researched opinions offered under my professional name, Dr Gideon Polya, a 5-decade career scientists teaching at a major university) evidently again found my credentialled, science-informed opinions unfit to be read by its readers, even if buried in a comment thread of 240 mostly anonymous and accordingly uncredentialled comments.
My first censored out comment:
The $500 billion wealth fund of Norway (population 5 million) cited in the article is of great relevance to Australia (population 22 million) and Australia's urgent need to convert to 100% renewable energy ASAP as demanded by top climate scientists.
Thus the Australian Climate Commission in its report "The Critical Decade" (launched several weeks ago by PM Gillard) concluded that for a 70% chance of avoiding a disastrous 2C temperature rise (EU and Australian policy) the World has a terminal "carbon budget" in which it can emit no more than 1 trillion tonnes of CO2 before final zero emissions in 2050. Australia's huge Domestic plus Exported greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution is such (1,415 Mt CO2-e pa in 2009) that it will exceed its "share" in 1.9 years!!
In contrast, Labor and Coalition policy is for a Domestic GHG target of "5% off 2000 level by 2020" and massive expansion of coal and liquid natural gas (LNG) Exports (increasing annually at 2.4% and 9%, respectively, according to ABARE) so that Australia's Domestic plus Exported GHG pollution in 2020 will be DOUBLE that in 2000.
Expert engineering estimates are for $370 billion over 10 years for 100% Renewable Energy for Australia by 2020 ($37 billion pa) (BZE).
Below is my second unsuccessful attempt (a slightly edited version of the first) and further evidence of what The Age evidently does not want its readers to read or to know (for further details of this censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/07/14/7085459-oz-mature-debate-on-our-future-needed-not-tea-party-style-militancy ) :
“For mature debate: the $500 billion wealth fund of Norway (cited in article) is of relevance to Australia and its urgent need to convert to 100% renewable energy ASAP as demanded by top climate scientists.
The Australian Climate Commission's "The Critical Decade" (launched by PM Gillard) concluded that for a 70% chance of avoiding a disastrous 2C temperature rise (EU and Australian policy) the World has a terminal "carbon budget" in which it can emit no more than 1 trillion tonnes of CO2 before final zero emissions in 2050. Australia's huge Domestic plus Exported greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution is such (1,415 Mt CO2-e pa in 2009) that it will exceed its "share" in 1.9 years!!
In contrast, Labor and Coalition policy is for a Domestic GHG target of "5% off 2000 level by 2020" and massive expansion of coal and liquid natural gas (LNG) Exports (increasing annually at 2.4% and 9%, respectively, according to ABARE) so that Australia's 2020 Domestic plus Exported GHG pollution will be DOUBLE that in 2000.
$370 billion/10 years for 100% Renewable Energy for Australia (BZE), $253 billion/20 years (Professor Peter Seligman). and $144 billion (260,000 GWh/year wind by 2020).”
For more details of censorship of informed, credentialed, non-anonymous, professional comment by The Age see “Mainstream media censorship”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/ , and “Censorship by The Age”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-the-age and http://agecensors.blogspot.com/ .
Decent people around the World will be considering a boycott of pro-war, climate change denialist, US Alliance genocide- and war crimes-ignoring, phone hacking and police bribing News Corp media (if they don’t already boycott Murdoch media already). But this and numerous other instances of egregious censorship of science-informed opinion by The Age (arguably Australia’s most respectable Mainstream medium, although that is not saying much) illustrates why there is very little, science-informed “mature debate” on climate change action in Australia.
On Thursday 14 July 2011 The Age published an article by Geoffrey Robertson QC about the Murdoch Empire crimes and entitled “Unearthing the truth will take a judge” (see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/unearthing-truth-will-take-a-judge-20110713-1hdxn.html ).
However The Age completely censored out a carefully researched comment on the article by myself and sent under my own name. this is what The Age evidently did not want its readers to read or to know about pro-war, pro-Zionist Murdoch Empire perversion of Murdochracy Australia (for details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/07/13/7078671-top-uk-qc-on-murdoch-news-corp-unearthing-truth-will-take-a-judge ):
“A corporation CEO is held responsible for health and safety violations and for deaths and injuries relating to such departures. However since money buys justice in British Law they can potentially evade responsibility for financial corruption, including bribery.
The most obvious example in Australia is Australia's biggest known white collar criminal, the great financial supporter of Apartheid Israel, the ongoing Palestinian Genocide and the Australian Labor Party who evaded justice over insurance company-related crime involving scores of millions of dollars by claiming ignorance of his employees' actions; whose company paid out about $40 million in fines over collusional price fixing; and who finally evaded justice and imprisonment by withdrawal of serious perjury charges a day or so before his death that occasioned attendance of a who's who of Australia politics and power at his funeral.
Both Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard made special trips to New York to see pro-war, pro-Zionist US citizen and Anglo-America kingmaker Rupert Murdoch. Surprise, surprise, Australia is shamed by the pro-war, pro-Zionist stance of successive Labor Governments even when over 3,000 Australians have died opiate -related deaths due to US restoration of the Taliban -destroyed Afghan opium industry (for details Google "26 June UN anti-drugs") and Israeli terrorists routinely violate Australia and Australians.
Australians can help restore Democracy to Murdochracy Australia by boycotting Murdoch media.”
I responded to this further egregious censorship by The Age (arguably Australia's most progressive newspaper) by submitting the following further comment (no mention of Apartheid Israel, pro-Zionist or the Palestinian Genocide). The Age DID publish this comment except for the part in indicated below as CENSORED OUT and referring to the censorship, which it replaced with three dots: ... ):
"Far more important than the crimes of phone hacking and bribing of police is political subversion by the pro-war Murdoch Empire in Murdochracies such as the US, UK and Australia and its holocaust-ignoring in relation to the Iraqi Holocaust (1990-2011) and the Afghan Holocaust (2001-2011) that have been associated, so far, with violent deaths and avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation totaling 4.6 million and 5.0 million, respectively (UN Population Division and medical literature data), these estimates being consonant with under-5 year old infant deaths totaling 2.0 million and 2.7 million, respectively (Google the terms Iraqi Holocaust and Afghan Holocaust).
Of course holocaust-ignoring is far, far worse than repugnant holocaust denial because the latter at least admits the possibility of public discussion.
Further Murdoch media misinformation over man-made climate change and censorship of other important science-based information endangers Australia, the West and Humanity [CENSORED OUT: (indeed my earlier carefully researched post on this article somehow did not make it but will nevertheless be published throughout the World)].
Outstanding expatriate journalist John Pilger introduced the term "Murdochracy" to describe how Big Media can pervert truth (Big Money determines public perception of reality) and subvert democracy by political blackmail. Australians can help restore Democracy to Murdochracy Australia by boycotting Murdoch media (the British and Americans likewise)."
On Tuesday 12 July 2011 The Age published an article by Australian Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young about the current Australian Carbon Tax debate between the Coalition Opposition versus the Labor + Greens + Independents and entitled “Why this is better than Rudd’s scheme”. The Age did not publish my comments (below) on the article, thereby providing further evidence of what it does not want its readers to read or to know (for details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/07/12/7065217-sarah-hanson-young-carbon-tax-ets-better-than-rudd-ets-scheme ):
“The Greens will still have my #1 vote but they have compromised themselves badly by being party to pro-coal, pro-gas, neocon Gillard Labor's Carbon Tax-ETS-Ignore Agriculture (CTETSIA) plan which will simply entrench climate change inaction by (1) installing a pathetically low carbon tax that will have the effect of promoting a disastrous coal to gas transition that in turn will double power industry GHG pollution (due to methane leakage at 3.3%, methane being 105 times worse than CO2 as a GHG on a 20 year time frame with aerosol impacts considered) and scupper science-demanded 100% renewable energy by 2020; (2) installing an empirically ineffective, disastrously counterproductive, manipulation-permissive and fraudulent ETS and (3) ignoring most sources of GHG pollution, notably coal and gas exports, most transport and agriculture (agriculture is responsible for over 50% of GHG pollution).
Clear evidence of Gillard Labor's intention NOT to tackle climate change is the reality that based on Labor's promise of "5% off 2000 Domestic GHG pollution by 2020" and its blind support for unlimited coal and gas exports, it can be calculated that Australia's Domestic plus Exported GHG pollution in 2020 will be roughly TWICE that in 2000 - ergo, vote 1 Green and put Labor last.”
On Friday 8 July 2011 The Age published an article about the Rupert Murdoch media Empire hacking and bribery scandal by Tim Dick, media editor of the Sydney Morning Herald, and entitled "Wrong red-top goes". The Age partly censored my comment on the article (as shown below in bold) thereby evidently indicating what it does not want its readers to read (for details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/07/08/7039085-media-editor-wrong-red-top-goes-in-uk-murdoch-hacking-bribery-scandal ):
“Outstanding expatriate Australian journalist John Pilger has described the UK, US and Australia as Murdochracies in which Big Media falsely determine public perception and how people will vote.
Clearly the Murdoch management including Murdoch should be investigated, arraigned, tried and punished over the phone hacking and police bribery scandals but these sleazy scandals are the least of the crimes of the Murdoch media empire.
The most monstrous and unforgivable crime of the pro-war Murdoch media (including 70% of Australian city daily newspapers) has been to resolutely ignore the carnage of the ongoing Iraqi Genocide (1990-2011) and Afghan Genocide (2001-2011) involving violent deaths totaling 1.7 million and 1.2 million, respectively, avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation totaling 2.9 million and 3.8 million, respectively, under-5 infant deaths totaling 2.0 million and 2,7 million, respectively, and refugees totaling 5-6 million and 3-4 million, respectively (Google Iraqi Genocide, Afghan Genocide).
Australia should (1) enact restrictions on foreign ownership of media and force US citizen Murdoch to divest (as happened in Fiji) and (2) hold the News Corporation CEO Murdoch legally responsible for everything from criminal phone hacking and bribing of policemen to genocide ignoring.
In the interim decent Australians should help recover Australian democracy by boycotting all Murdoch media."
On Wednesday 29 June 2011 The Age On-line National Times section published an article by writer Jo Chandler about the attacks on scientists climate change denialists and entitled “When science is undone by fiction” with by sub-heading “The myth of Climate-gate has endured because of media failings” (for the article and reader comments permitted by The Age see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/when-science-is-undone-by-fiction-20110628-1gp26.html ).
Unfortunately The Age, for whatever reasons, regularly censors science-informed comments made under his own name by Dr Gideon Polya, a 5-decade-career biological chemist , still teaching science students at a major Australian university. For details of the article plus science-informed reader comments that the The Age evidently did not want its readers to read see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/06/28/6968199-oz-analyst-on-media-failure-re-climate-when-science-is-undone-by-fiction ).
The Age actually published (possibly inadvertently) my comment providing 3 examples of Elephant in the Room climate change issues ignored by Mainstream media and politicians:
“There is a huge and dangerous gulf between reality as reported by Mainstream media and politicians and that perceived by scientists, especially in relation to required responses to man-made climate change . Just 3 examples of this Mainstream media and politician failure to acknowledge reality are given below.
1. According to Professor Hans Joachim Schellnhuber (Potsdam Institute, Germany), for a 67% chance of avoiding a catastrophic 2C temperature rise the World must cease CO2 emissions by 2050 and top per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) polluter such as the US and Australia must get to zero CO2 emissions by 2020 (9.5 years left).
2. According to the Australian Climate Commission's "The Critical Decade" report, for a 75% chance of avoiding a 2C temperature rise the World can emit no more than 1 trillion tonnes of CO2 before reaching zero emissions in about 2050. Australia's Domestic plus Exported GHG pollution means it must get to zero emissions before the end of 2012 (1.9 years left) or by the end of 2015 if one ignores Exported GHGs (4.6 years left).
3. Methane (CH4) leaks (3.3%) and is 105 times worse than CO2 as a GHG on a 20 year timeframe, this meaning that a Carbon Tax-driven coal to gas transition will double electric power industry GHG pollution."
However The Age declined to publish the further examples I offered (while encouraging anti-science fiction by publishing several hundred comments by uncredentialled, non-scientist, anonymous bloggers):
“In addition to the 3 Elephant in the Room climate-related realities given above that are resolutely ignored by Mainstream media and politicians, consider the following further examples of the Mainstream ignoring of climate-related science.
4. The species extinction rate is now 100-1,000 times greater than normal (Australia a word leader).
5. Leading scientists, economists and analysts slam the ETS approach as empirically ineffective, dangerously counterproductive and inherently fraudulent (Labor proposes to sell licences to pollute the one common atmosphere of all countries).
6. World Bank analysts have recently re-assessed annual global greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution as 50% bigger than hitherto thought and that the livestock contribution is over 51% of the bigger figure (Labor proposes to ignore agriculture).
7. Many (e.g. EU, Australia) support a 450 ppm CO2-equivalent and 2C temperature rise "cap". However the Synthesis Report of the 2,500-delegate March 2009 scientific Copenhagen Climate Conference indicates that we have already exceeded 450 ppm CO2-e and over 90% of delegates polled thought 2C was inevitable.
8. For voters, success in "tackling climate change" is measured in terms of DECREASED GHG pollution but it has INCREASED under Labor whose policies mean that Australia's Domestic plus Exported GHG will be about 150% of 2000 level by 2020.”
Cognizant of my responsibility as a scientist to try to inform the public, I sent the following further comment, this too under my name Dr Gideon Polya, but this too was evidently deemed by the Age as unfit for its readers to read:
In addition to examples 1-3 above, here are more examples of massive realities ignored by fiction-generating Mainstream media and politicians.
“4. The species extinction rate is now 100-1,000 times greater than normal (Australia a word leader).
5. Leading scientists, economists and analysts slam the ETS approach as empirically ineffective, dangerously counterproductive and inherently fraudulent (Labor proposes to sell licences to pollute the one common atmosphere of all countries).
6. World Bank analysts have recently re-assessed annual global greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution as 50% bigger than hitherto thought and that the livestock contribution is over 51% of the bigger figure (Labor proposes to ignore agriculture).
7. Many (e.g. EU, Australia) support a 450 ppm CO2-equivalent and 2C temperature rise "cap". However the Synthesis Report of the 2,500-delegate March 2009 scientific Copenhagen Climate Conference indicates that we have already exceeded 450 ppm CO2-e and over 90% of delegates polled thought 2C was inevitable.
8. GHG pollution must decrease but it has incresed under Labor whose policies mean that Australia's Domestic plus Exported GHG will be about 150% of 2000 level by 2020.
9. Atmospheric CO2 must be urgently returned to 300 ppm (it is increasing).
10. Carbon burning pollutants kill circa 10,000 Australians pa.”
Jo Chandler’s article concludes “”Recent surveys of active climate scientists (those publishing in the area) calculate that 97 in every 100 have views which reflect those of the international academies of science: the planet is warming, this is human caused, and it is dangerous. Most are unlikely to ever have the gift of this page to explain their findings. Therefore, a more balanced, rigorous and honest rendering of their work is critical to elevating the political and public debate on climate. 'The media has a particular and important role to play,'' said [new Chief Scientist of Australia] Chubb, ''and the sooner they play it better, the better."
However the above example shows that The Age, arguably the most progressive Mainstream medium in Australia, continues to block informed, science-based views on the worsening climate crisis. For a chronological compendium recording the censorship of informed, credentialled, science-based views by The Age see the website “Censorship by The Age”: http://agecensors.blogspot.com/ .
On 8 June 2011 The Age completely censored my comments on an article it had published on the same day by Raoul Heinrichs (doctoral scholar at the Australian National University, former research associate with the Lowy Institute) on the Afghan War and entitled “Soldiers’ sacrifice best honoured by good policy: get out now” (for details of the censorship and the article see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/06/07/6807636-afghan-war-soldiers-sacrifice-best-honoured-by-good-policy-get-out-now ). This is a further example of the Age steadfastly refusing to report the shocking dimensions of either the Iraqi Holocaust and Iraqi Genocide (4.6 million war-related deaths, 1990-2011) or the Afghan Holocaust and Afghan Genocide (5.0 million war-related deaths, 2001-2011). This is what The Age did not want its readers to read or to know in this latest instance of holocaust ignoring and genocide by ignoring by The Age (noting that holocaust ignoring is far, far worse than repugnant holocaust denial because at least the latter admits the possibility of public discussion):
"Scientific cost analysis says that we should get out of Afghanistan immediately, pay reparations and prosecute US Alliance war criminals.
The ostensible reason for the Afghan War was 9-11 (3,000 killed) yet even according to the lying Bush-Obama "official version" of 9-11 no Afghans were involved in that atrocity. Indeed science, architecture, engineering, military, aviation and intelligence experts say that the US did 9-11 (for numerous expert opinions simply Google "US did 9-11”).
As reported by the highly conservative News Limited, a US think tank determined that the the [sic] Bush Administration told 935 lies about Iraq alone in the 2 years after 9-11 and of course we now know that the Iraq invasion was illegal and based on false assertions about actually non-existent Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction.
The Iraq War, based on lies. has cost $3.5 trillion and 4,777 US Alliance lives and an Iraqi catastrophe involving 1.5 million violent deaths, 1.2 million avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation, 0.8 million under-5 infant deaths (90% avoidable and due to US Alliance war crimes) and 5-6 million refugees (see Iraqi Holocaust, Iraqi Genocide).
The Afghan War, also based on egregious lies and propaganda, has cost $1-2 trillion, 2,514 US Alliance lives and an Afghan catastrophe involving perhaps 1.2 million violent deaths, 3.8 million avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation, 2.7 million under-5 infant deaths (90% avoidable and due to US Alliance war crimes) and 3-4 million refugees (Google Afghan Holocaust, Afghan Genocide).
The US has devastated Iraq (4.6 million war-related deaths 1990-2011) and Afghanistan (5.0 million war-related deaths, 2001-2011) - an immense crime against Humanity."
On 7 June 2011 The Age completely censored my comments on an article it had published on the same day by Dan Oakes (The Age and Sydney Morning Herald defence correspondent) on the Afghan War and entitled “Latest death s demand answers about our Afghan involvement” (for details of the censorship and the article see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/06/06/6801157-latest-australian-deaths-demand-answers-about-oz-afghan-involvement- ) . My comment set out carefully researched data on the human cost of the Afghan War that The Age evidently does not want its readers to encounter because it steadfastly refuses to report the shocking dimensions of either the Iraqi Holocaust (4.6 million war-related deaths, 1990-2011) or the Afghan Holocaust (5.0 million war-related deaths, 2001-2011). This is what The Age did not want its readers to read or to know:
"The ostensible reason for the Afghan War was 9-11 (3,000 killed) yet even according to the lying Bush-Obama "official version" of 9-11 no Afghans were involved in that atrocity. Indeed science, architecture, engineering, military, aviation and intelligence experts say that the US did 9-11 (for numerous expert opinions simply Google "US did 9-11').
As reported by the highly conservative News Limited, a US think tank determined that the the Bush Administration told 935 lies about Iraq alone in the 2 years after 9-11 and of course we now know that the Iraq invasion was illegal and based on false assertions about actually non-existent Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction.
The Iraq War, based on lies. has cost $3.5 trillion and 4,777 US Alliance lives and an Iraqi catastrophe involving 1.5 million violent deaths, 1.2 million avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation, 0.8 million under-5 infant deaths (90% avoidable and due to US Alliance war crimes) and 5-6 million refugees (see Iraqi Holocaust, Iraqi Genocide).
The Afghan War, also based on egregious lies and propaganda, has cost $1-2 trillion, 2,514 US Alliance lives and an Afghan catastrophe involving perhaps 1.2 million violent deaths, 3.8 million avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation, 2.7 million under-5 infant deaths (90% avoidable and due to US Alliance war crimes) and 3-4 million refugees (Google Afghan Holocaust, Afghan Genocide).
US Alliance violence supported by Western Murdochracy and Lobbyocracy politician and media lying by commission and omission has devastated Iraq (war-related deaths 4.6 million, 1990-2011) and Afghanistan (war-related deaths 5.0 million, 2001-2011) - an immense crime against Humanity."
26 May 2011. The Age repeatedly and completely censored 2 sets of comments I made in response to a sensible, humane article by Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young about proposed Australian “trading” of Muslim refugees with Malaysia that violates human rights conventions (for details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/05/25/6719290-greens-senator-on-australian-malaysia-solution-children-in-detention ). This is what The Age evidently did not want its readers to read or to know:
Censored comment #1.
"Excellent , humane article. What other countries in addition to Australia indefinitely imprison children behind razor wire without charge or trial? The most obvious example is Lib-Lab Australia's great friend Apartheid Israel in which 800,000 children are highly abusively imprisoned in what UK PM Cameron and outstanding Jewish American scholar Professor Noam Chomsky have described as the Gaza Prison and what US conservative politician Pat Buchanan and the Catholic Church have described as the Gaza Concentration Camp.
Not mentioned in public in look-the-other-way, politically correct racist (PC racist) Australia is Australia's involvement in all post-1950 US Asian wars, wars that have been associated so far with violent deaths plus non-violent deaths from war-imposed deprivation totalling 26 million and about 20 million Muslim refugees.
The UN Human Rights Commissioner Navi Pillay, currently visiting Australia, has stated: "I come from South Africa and lived under this, and am every way attuned to seeing racial discrimination. There is a racial discriminatory element here [in Australia] which I see as rather inhumane treatment of people, judged by their differences, racial, colour or religions."
Lib-Lab Australia is not just grossly violating the human rights of asylum seekers, Occupied Iraqis (post-invasion war-linked excess deaths 2.7 million) , Occupied Afghans, (post-invasion war-linked deaths 5.0 million), Occupied Palestinians (up to life imprisonment for giving money to a Gaza orphanage, tax deductibility for Australian donations to racist Zionists) and Indigenous Australians (9,000 avoidable deaths annually), it is trashing the reputation of decent, anti-racist Australians and decent, anti-racist, anti-Zionist Jews around the world."
Censored Comment #2.
"Humane article. Below a second comment, the first having evidently been found unit for readers of The Age.
Acutely relevant is politically correct racist (PC racist) Australia's involvement in all post-1950 US Asian wars that have been associated so far with violent deaths plus non-violent deaths from war-imposed deprivation totalling 26 million. Muslim refugees alone in post-1950 US wars total about 20 million.
Lib-Lab Australia endlessly declares that it is not racist and so one supposes that it would also abusively and indefinitely imprison Jewish children fleeing genocidal persecutors - this illustrating the anti-Jewish anti-Semitism as well as anti-Arab anti-Semitism of Lib-Lab Australia.
Indeed between 1933 and 1939 Australia absorbed only 7000-8000 Jewish refugees (including 2 of my family), noting that the racist Zionists were evilly opposed to Jewish refugees going anywhere except Palestine and that 5-6 million Jews died in the WW2 Holocaust (including all but a dozen of my Continental relatives).
Understand therefore why Australia's most eminent Jew, Sir Isaac Isaacs, Australia's first Australia-born Governor -General, stated of the racist Zionists (RZs) in 1946: "The honour of Jews throughout the world demands the renunciation of political Zionism."
With post-invasion, US Alliance-imposed, war-linked avoidable deaths of Indigenous people in Somalia, Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan now totalling 12 million and Muslim refugees totalling 20 million, Sir Isaac Isaacs' dictum should be re-stated thus for 2011: "The honour of Australians demands the renunciation of genocidal, Lib-Lab-backed, racist Zionist and US Alliance violence and Lib-Lab maltreatment of refugees"."
20 May 2011. The Age completely censored my initial detailed comments on an article by its political editor Michelle Grattan over former Coalition Opposition leader speaking out on action on man-made climate change (for details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/05/19/6677763-oz-political-editor-coalition-heavy-turnbull-lets-climate-anger-bubble-over ) but then published my response to the censorship:
Initial comments that were completely censored: “From a scientific perspective the problem with Australia public life is anti-science spin coupled with censorship and self-censorship. Malcolm Turnbull was simply expressing a widely-held opinion with appropriate circumspection, views that should not be censored or self-censored simply because a significant body of anti-science troglodytes in the Coalition think otherwise. Ordinary citizens, including scientists, are effectively muzzled in Murdochracy and Lobbyocracy Australia - surely leading politicians should be able to articulate opinions without being attacked for so doing per se rather than for what they are actually saying?
From a scientific perspective, Malcolm Turnbull is correct that climate change is occurring through man-made greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution, is serious and should be addressed. Indeed the British Conservative-Lib Dem Coalition Government has just announced that it will cut carbon dioxide (CO2) pollution by some 50% by 2023-2027 compared to 1990 levels (cf Lib-Lab Australia's disgraceful "5% off by 2020").
The Conservative UK position is a big advance towards that prescribed by Professor Schellnhuber (Potsdam Institute) who says that for 67% chance of avoiding a 2C temperature rise (EU policy) the World must get to zero (0) CO2 pollution by 2050, middling per capita polluters the UK and Germany by about 2030 and top per capita GHG polluters the US and Australia by 2020.
However Malcolm Turnbull and Labor are wrong about the ETS approach - it is empirically ineffective, dangerously counterproductive and inherently fraudulent. Further, Lib-Lab ignoring of agriculture disastrously ignores over 50% of the GHG problem and Lib-Lab support for a coal-to-gas transition is disastrous because it will DOUBLE power system GHG pollution.”
Subsequent comments that were published: “The trouble with Australia is entrenched media, political and corporate censorship, self-censorship and ignoring of science. Malcolm Turnbull must be praised and not condemned for having the moral courage to express his views, even though he is wrong on some matters from a science perspective - thus he correctly says that current climate change is man-made and must be addressed but an ETS approach is disastrously counterproductive as is ignoring agriculture which is responsible for over 50% of greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution (World Bank). Further, Lib-Lab support for a coal to gas transition is also disastrous because it will DOUBLE electricity generation GHG pollution (methane leaks at 3.3% and is 105 times worse than CO2 as a GHG on a 20 year timeframe including aerosol impacts).
Anti-science censorship is at the heart of this discussion and indeed my earlier carefully researched and edited comments on this article as a responsible scientist and made under my own name in the public interest were evidently censored out as unfit to be read - however be assured that this sort of anti-science censorship is being reported widely.”
20 May 2011. The Age partly censored my comments on an article by Labor historian Ross McMullin about ex-MP Lindsay Tanner’s book “Sideshow. Dumbing down democracy” about politician-media interactions (for details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/05/19/6678190-new-oz-book-well-aimed-broadside-at-the-shallowness-of-media-coverage ). What The Age evidently did not want its readers to read and to know is in bold below:
Lindsay Tanner should practice what he preaches. In the media-politics dance it takes 2 to tango and politicians, including Tanner, who have ample opportunities for making their views public are evidently not prepared to do so.
Some MPs, including some Labor MPs, have been prepared to express opinions on serious matters in recent years.
Thus Labor MP Maria Vamvakinou has courageously spoken out on behalf of the human rights of 7 million Palestinians excluded from their Homeland and Julia Irwin likewise whereas most of the remaining Labor MPs adopt craven silence in deference to the racist Zionist Lobby that traitorously dominates Lib-Lab politics in the interests of a nuclear terrorist, genocidal rogue state Apartheid Israel and against the interests of Australia and Humanity.
Dr Brown and another Green MP were thrown out of the Joint Sitting when they protested mass murderer and war criminal George Bush.
Labor MP Kelvin Thomson is the only House of Representatives MP and Democrats Senator Lyn Alison the only Senator to have asked Parliament how many people have died in Iraq (due to Sanctions and Occupation in Iraq in 1990-2011 avoidable deaths from deprivation total 2.9 million, violent deaths total 1.7 million, under-5 infant deaths, 90% avoidable and due to US Alliance war crimes, total 2.0 million, and refugees total 5-6 million; Google Iraqi Holocaust, Iraqi Genocide).
In the Senate Greens Senator Rachel Siewert estimated up to 21,000 Iraqi infant deaths due to AWB corruption and Greens Senator Christobal Chamarette protested 4 million dead in the man-made WW2 Bengali Holocaust.
The rest is cowardly silence.”
19 May 2011. The Age published an article by its national affairs editor Katharine Murphhy on political donations to political parties by the Tobacco Lobby. However The completely censored out one third of my carefully researched comments on the article (for details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/05/18/6670844-political-fundingtobacco-money-the-kind-of-habit-politics-can-do-without ). In bold below is what The Age evidently did not want its readers to read or to know (not in bold is what it deemed “safe” to publish):
“I certainly agree that the Coalition should end acceptance of tobacco company donations. Mark Latham was a thoughtful and forthright politician and paid the price meted out to such people in Murdochracy and Lobbyocracy Australia.
Notwithstanding Samuel Johnson's famous aphorism that "patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel", Australian politicians wrap themselves up in the Flag and endlessly proclaim their love for Australians (as well as utterly dishonestly declaring their love for the scores of millions of people on whom we are still making war).
The bottom-line for such asserted "love for Australians" is adopting policies that minimize the avoidable death of Australians. According to the Australian National Drug Research Centre (2003): "Tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs are prematurely killing around seven million people worldwide each year, and robbing tens of millions more of a healthy life", the breakdown being 5 million (tobacco), 1.8 million (alcohol) and 0.2 million (illicit drugs).
Currently about 16,000 Australians die each year from smoking, over 3,000 from alcohol and about 400 from opiates (350 from US Alliance restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry from 6% of world market share in 2001 to 76% in 2002 and currently circa 94%; UNODC World Drug Report 2007).
The Lib-Lab anti-drugs policies are vastly inferior to those of the dreaded Taliban who banned alcohol, prohibited smoking by Government employees (1997) and wiped out 94% of the Afghan opium industry in 2000-2001. Taliban policies on opiate production in Afghanistan (countermanded by the US Alliance and Australian invaders) would have saved the lives of about 3,300 Australians since 2001.”
16 May 2011. The Age has evidently decided not to publish my carefully research comments on an article in The Age by former senator and Coalition Minister for Immigration Amanda Vanstone about the treatment of refugees coming to Australia (for details of the article and the censorship by The Age see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/05/15/6649880-oz-ex-mp-populist-refugee-bashing-has-no-place-in-a-proud-australia ). This is what The Age evidently did not want its readers to read or to know:
“The article completely misses the Elephant in the Room reality that the circa 20 million Muslim refugees in the world today came from Western-imposed wars and foreign occupations in Africa and Asia, the West to East breakdown being 2 million (Occupied Somalia), 7 million (Occupied Palestine), 5-6 million (Occupied Iraq), 3-4 million (Occupied Afghanistan) and 2.5 million Pashtun refugees generated in US invaded NW Pakistan (UNHCR and other sources).
Former PM Kevin Rudd described those trying to find safe haven for several thousand Muslim refugees each year as "scum of the earth who should rot in hell". How then should we describe those of the US Alliance (to which Australia slavishly belongs) who created 20 million Muslim refugees in the first place?
Australia should certainly welcome refugees rather than abusively imprisoning them for long periods behind razor wire in remote concentration camps without charge or trial. Australia should also stop its immoral, cowardly, craven and war criminal involvement in US wars that since 1950 in Asia alone have been associated with 26 million violent deaths or non-violent deaths (mostly women and children) from war-imposed deprivation, the breakdown being 3 million (Korea), 13 million (Indo-China: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos) , 4.6 million (Iraq) and 5.0 million (Afghanistan). Thou shalt not kill children.”
5 May 2011. The Age has evidently declined to publish the following comment by me about an excellent article in The Age by Australian law academics about the extra-judicial murder of Osama bin Laden by US terrorists (for details of the article and this further censorship by The Age see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/05/04/6586592-australian-law-academics-obama-order-for-osama-execution-was-illegal ):
"Excellent article that exposes the flouting of international law through extrajudicial killings by the US and Israel. However such illegal killings go much further than, for example, (a) the alleged killing of Osama bin Laden by a special US terrorist unit with Australian connections, (b) the Israeli terrorist murder of a Hamas official in Dubai involving use of numerous forged Australian passports, or (c) the Israeli terrorist killing of 9 peace activists in international waters, this involving dual citizen Australian-Israeli terrorists and 5 Australian victims (1 shot, 1 tasered, all 5 robbed and kidnapped).
It is a disgrace that both the Australian Labor Government and the Coalition Opposition have variously been apologists for such crimes. There has been no prosecution of Australians or non-Australians involved in Australia-impacting extrajudicial murders (b) and (c) and no assurance from either the AFP or the Australian Government that there will be.
Illegal war is also extrajudicial murder and yet contrary to advice evidently given to the Howard Government by Australian spooks (minus the honest and courageous Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Willkie) there were no Iraqi Weapons of Mass destruction and the UK Deputy PM Nick Clegg has recently told the House of Commons that the Iraq invasion was illegal (post-invasion Iraqi violent deaths and non--violent deaths from war-imposed deprivation now total 2.6 million).
In the Occupied Iraq and Afghan Territories post-invasion under-5 infant deaths total 0.8 million and 2.7 million, respectively (UN), annual per capita total health expenditure is US$124 and US$29, respectively (WHO) - gross US Alliance violation of the Geneva Convention and extrajudicial mass murder."
I sent a further comment to The Age commenting on the censorship and making further key Elephant-in-the-room points but this too was censored by The Age:
My earlier, carefully-researched comment did not appear. Rational risk management (RRM) that is implicit in judicial processes (notably coronial inquiries and subsequent trials) successively involves (a) accurate data, (b) scientific assessment and (c) informed systemic change to minimize risk. Osama is alleged by successive, egregiously dishonest US Administrations to have master-minded the 9-11 atrocity (although the FBI did not put him on its Most Wanted List for that crime). Obama's extrajudicial disposal of Osama prevents judicial examination of the facts, perverts RRM re 9-11 and indeed makes Obama an accessory after the fact of the 9-11 atrocity by his deliberate killing and disposal of the very person he asserts to be responsible.
Obama's predecessor George Bush (whose Administration told 935 lies between 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq according to US think tanks quoted by News.com) similarly rapidly removed all the steel from the 9-11 WTC collapse to Asia as scrap, thereby removing crucial evidence about how the buildings were demolished.
Unfortunately for Obama, Osama's wives, children and associates and Pakistani ISI operatives survive to potentially tell us who did or didn't do 9-11. Unfortunately for Bush, Professor Niels Harrit (University of Copenhagen) has published a peer-reviewed paper in a chemical physics journal presenting compelling evidence for unexploded nanothermite high explosive in all WTC dust samples examined i.e. further damning evidence that the Bush/Obama "official story" is a lie and that the US did 9-11 as asserted by many science, engineering , military and intelligence experts (Google "US did 9-11").
4 May 2011. The Age evidently declined to publish the following comment by me about an article in The Age about Australian Government reaction to the assassination of Osma bin Laden by US terrorists (for details of the article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/05/03/6578931-oz-defence-minister-stephen-smith-says-optimism-on-afghanistan ), this providing a further outrageous example of what The Age evidently does not want its readers to read or to know:
“The US Administration was egregiously dishonest over Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction that in reality didn't exist. Indeed the US-beholden Australian security services (minus honest and courageous Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Wilkie), US-beholden politicians, academics and Mainstream media supported the LIE that led to Australian involvement in the Iraqi Holocaust and Iraq Genocide - post-invasion 1.5 million violent deaths (US Just Foreign Policy), 1.2 million avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation, 0.8 million under-5 infant deaths (90% avoidable and due to US Alliance war crimes) and 5-6 million refugees with 1990-2011 Iraqi excess deaths totalling 4.6 million (UN).
One is unwise to accept this latest Hollywood-style US story - the alleged killing in cold blood of an unarmed OBL, the alleged master-mind of 9-11, and the alleged disposal of the alleged body at sea. What will happen to the alleged surviving woman who was allegedly "shot in the leg"?
OBL was an invaluable US asset in the 1979-1989 war in Afghanistan (that helped destroy the Soviet Union) and as a terrorist whose relatively limited activities were used to justify Nazi-style constraints on Western human rights and the various US Alliance bombing, invasion and/or occupation of a swathe of Muslim countries including Somalia, Sudan, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and now Libya.
Indeed many science engineering, architecture, military and intelligence experts say that the US did 9-11 and not OBL and "men-in-caves". Thus Professor Niels Harrit (University of Copenhagen) identified unexploded nanothermite high explosive in all WTC dust samples studied, thus proving US explosive demolition of the 3 WTC buildings.”
3 May 2011. The Age evidently declined to publish the following comment by me about an article in The Age about the reported US terrorist assassination of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan (for details of the Age article and of The Age censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/05/02/6573478-cause-doomed-just-like-leader ), this providing a further outrageous example of what The Age evidently does not want its readers to read or to know:
“All decent people deplore terrorism but the politician, media and lobbyists of the Western Murdochracies and Lobbyocracies have ignored the horrendous realities of UK, US and Israeli state terrorism while mounting an anti-Arab anti-Semitic and Islamophobic terror hysteria campaign over vastly less deadly Muslim-origin non-state terrorism.
Post-invasion violent deaths plus non-violent avoidable deaths in the Iraqi, Afghan and Palestinian Occupied Territories now total about 8 million, the breakdown being 2.7 million , 5.0 million and 0.3 million, respectively (epidemiological and UN Population Division data) as compared to about 4,000 Westerners killed by Muslim-origin terrorists in the last 4 decades (this including Israelis but ignoring the 3,000 deaths on 9/11 because many science, engineering, military and intelligence experts say that the US did 9-11) (Google "US did 9-11).
Sensibly ignoring US and Israeli terror hysteria, "annual homicides per million of population" are roughly 0.07 (non-Israeli Westerners killed by Muslim-origin terrorists), 0.5 (Israelis killed by Gaza rockets), 1.0 (violent Western husbands killed by battered wives), 15 (Israelis killed by Israelis), 54 (US homicides), 473 (Detroit, Michigan homicides), 1,270 (Occupied Palestinian deaths from Israeli-imposed deprivation), 1,870 (Occupied Iraq excess deaths), 11,800 (Occupied Afghanistan excess deaths), 18,000 (Indigenous Australian excess deaths from deprivation i.e. deaths that should not have happened ).
OBL was so extraordinarily ineffective in comparison with Western state terrorists as to suggest the hypothesis that he continued working for the US after the Russians left Afghanistan (allegedly killed and conveniently buried at sea by Obama means OBL's role remains a secret). However OBL has certainly been the equivalent of Emmanuel Goldstein in "1984".”
29 April 2011. The Age declined to publish the following comment by me about an article by Ted Lapkin entitled "Depraved UN has no right to preach" (for details of the article and the censorship see:
http://wendywyatt.newsvine.com/_news/2011/04/28/6550143-depraved-un-has-no-right-to-preach ), this providing a further outrageous example of what The Age evidently does not want its readers to read or to know:
"A superficial, biased and obfuscating article that misses the point that the United Nations for all its faults is the only thing we have - subject to US veto - to protect billions of people around the world from human rights abuse (principally poverty, war, occupation and genocide) and in particular from serial human rights abusers such as the warlike countries of the US Alliance, including Australia.
The fundamental human right is the right to life yet post-invasion under-5 infant deaths in US Alliance-occupied Occupied Palestine, Occupied Iraq and Occupied Afghanistan total 0.2 million, 2.0 million and 2.7 million, respectively (UN Population Division data), 90% avoidable and due to US Alliance war crimes in violation of the Geneva Convention and horrendous atrocities that Syria opposes but in which US Alliance countries such as Australia are deeply complicit.
The deadly violence of the Syrian crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators is to be deplored but it is clear that this level of violence (cf Palestine, Saudi invaded Bahrain), is directly related to Western bombing of Libya and support for armed rebellion in that country.
Syria is already partially occupied by US-backed Apartheid Israel, is home to millions of Palestinian and Iraqi refugees from genocidal, Western-backed violence and is subject to US-backed bombing by Apartheid Israel.
No doubt the Assad Administration wants to forestall the creation of a Western-backed rebel enclave and a prolonged Western-backed civil war as in Libya that would likewise devastate Syria (cf Korea, Vietnam Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine, Africa, Latin America; read William Blum's best-selling book "Rogue State")."In response to this censorship by The Age I submitted a further comment to The Age which published it with the following severe censorship (what it did not want its readers to read is in bold) :
"An absurd and offensive article. The UN performs vital humanitarian functions including (1) constraint on invasion and occupation of other countries (unfortunately with limited success in relation to the egregiously violent US, Apartheid Israel and NATO), (2) caring for millions of refugees (20 million Muslim refugees alone due to the war crimes of Apartheid Israel and the US Alliance) and (3) reporting demographic, food, health and other social statistics (that are remorselessly non-reported due to egregious censorship by the US- and Zionist-beholden Mainstream media ). Re media censorship, my earlier carefully researched, authoritative, documented and non-anonymous comment on this article was evidently rejected as containing information from UN Agencies that The Age evidently does not want its readers to read or to know (however you can circumvent such censorship and read such censored comments by simply Googling "censorship by The Age" or "Mainstream media censorship"). "
18 April 2011. The Age published a comment by me in relation to an article by Jewish Australian atheist Dick Gross about the forthcoming Passover but then failed to publish my response to ugly , false, defamatory abuse made with the courage of anonymity (for details of the article and the censorship see:
My original comment (published by The Age): "Let my people go" has had a new meaning with 1.5 million Palestinians (50% children and 75% women and children) highly abusively and indefinitely imprisoned in what the Catholic Church has described as the Gaza Concentration Camp for the "crime" of being Indigenous Palestinians living in the land continuously inhabited by their forebears since the dawn of civilization. Tel Aviv University historian Professor Shlomo Sand's best-selling book "The Invention of the Jewish People" reveals that there is no Egyptian record of the Exodus, that Solomon's Empire was a hugely exaggerated fiction, that there was no massive Expulsion or Exile in circa 70-135 CE (unlike the present-era exile of over 7 million Palestinian refugees) and that the cultural and ethnic descendants of the Jewish and non-Jewish Palestinians at the time of Christ are the dispossessed Arab Palestinians and not the Jewish citizens of what many anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish writers and scholars refer to as Apartheid Israel (mostly descendants of Berber, Yemeni and Khazar converts to a gratifyingly universalist Judaism in the first millennium CE)."
False, pejorative, defamatory, ad hominem abuse at me by an anonymous pro-Zionist poster and published by The Age: "Gideon Polya will grab any opportunity to delegitimise the Jewish people. I will be thinking of him when we mention the 'wicked son' during our seder."
My response to this defamation (not published by The Age): "False, pejorative, defamatory, ad hominem abuse is de rigeur for pro-Zionists defending the utterly indefensible. Unlike the Zionist-beholden Australian Lib-Labs I take my cue not from Irgun terrorists and racist Zionist ethnic cleansers but from the outstanding, anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish scholars and writers who are dead opposed to Apartheid Israel, the ongoing Palestinian Genocide and racist Zionism that represent a blot on Jewry, Judaism and Humanity (Google "Jews Against Racist Zionism" and "Non-Jews Against Racist Zionism"). Thus Sir Isaac Isaacs, the first Australian-born Australian Governor General and our most famous Jewish public figure: "The honour of Jews throughout the world demands the renunciation of political Zionism" and outstanding Jewish American scholar Professor Jared Diamond who in his best-selling book "Collapse” (Prologue, p10, Penguin edition) enunciated the "moral principle, namely that it is morally wrong for one people to dispossess, subjugate, or exterminate another people" – an injunction grossly violated by racist Zionist (RZ)-run Apartheid Israel and its racist, genocide-committing and genocide-ignoring US Alliance backers.The message of the Jewish Holocaust is "Never again - to anyone". The Zionists collaborated with the Nazis, opposed non-Palestine refuge for Jews fleeing Nazism and secured Churchill's opposition to the Joel Brand scheme to save 0.7 million Hungarian Jews and Brand's desperate plea "Let my people go"."
14 April 2011. The Age substantially censored my carefully researched comment on an article by Australian writer Ross Cameron about Churchill, the WW1 Gallipoli disaster, the Armenian Genocide and Russian Communism (for details of the article and the censorship see:
http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/04/13/6467106-australian-author-on-gallipoli-armenian-genocide-gallipoli-was-not-churchills-great-folly- ).The parts of the following comment censored out by The Age are in bold and are indicative of what The Age evidently does not want its readers tor read or to know.
"A cherry-picked history that ignores major realities and makes an absurd link between the Gallipoli disaster and Russian Communism under Stalin (noting that Stalin killed 20 million rather than 100 million according to Chalk and Jonassohn, "The history and sociology of genocide"). Some other key matters below.
1. According to eminent historian Martin Gilbert the evil Balfour Declaration for a Jewish Home in UK-conquered Palestine was designed to secure Russian continuation in the war through Zionist activism. It failed but had the ultimate disastrous consequence of the criminal Zionist dispossession of the Palestinians that was opposed by decent Jews from the great orthodox rabbis to secular figures such a Sir Isaac Isaacs, first Australian-born governor-general of Australia, and numerous other leading Jewish intellectuals (see "Jews against racist Zionism" and the recent multi-author book "The Plight of the Palestinians") .
2. The attack on Turkey launched the Armenian Genocide (1.5 million killed) on the eve of the first Anzac Day in 1915, 24 April being marked as Armenian Genocide Day. However the dishonorable Anglo-French Sykes-Picot Agreement that carved up the Ottoman Empire brought colonialism and endless suffering to the Muslim world from Africa to South Asia that continues today under US leadership with Anglo-French lackey support with the ongoing atrocities (excess deaths in parenthesis) of the Palestinian Genocide (0.3 million), Iraqi Genocide (4.5 million), Afghan Genocide (5.0 million) and the ongoing Muslim Holocaust and Muslim Genocide (post-1950 excess deaths from Anglo hegemony-imposed deprivation total 600 million; see "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950").
3. NB Churchill's WW2 Bengali Holocaust (6-7 million Indians killed)."
I wrote back to The Age complaining about its censorship and, astonishingly, they published this further comment uncensored:
"An extremely busy professional I wasted considerable time making a sensible, documented, carefully edited comment under my own name that referred to well-documented post-Gallipoli genocides from the Armenian Genocide to the ongoing Afghan Genocide and to the expert opinions of numerous outstanding Jewish scholars, notably Sir Martin Gilbert and Sir Issac Isaacs. But the moderator, for whatever reasons, said "no".
What The Age evidently does not want its readers to read or to know - even when buried in a commentary thread - is being reported around the World for this and numerous other instances of censorship by The Age (e.g. Google "Mainstream media censorship"). Holocaust ignoring and genocide ignoring are far, far worse than repugnant holocaust denial and genocide denial because the latter, albeit repugnant, at least admit the possibility of rational discussion."
14 April 2011. The Age substantially censored my carefully researched comment on an article by law academic Professor Williams on Australia's draconian anti-terrorism laws (for details of the article and the censorship see:
http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/04/13/6467195-oz-law-professor-britain-is-taking-another-look-at-its-anti-terrorism-laws-so-why-cant-we?threadId=3104199&commentId=53315765#c53315765 ). The parts of the following comment censored out by The Age are in bold and are indicative of what The Age evidently does not want its readers tor read or to know.
"Australia has suffered 4 terrorism-related deaths on Australian soil in the last 4 decades, the 3 people killed in the 1978 Hilton Bombing (that a policeman survivor attributes to ASIO) and a security guard murdered at a Melbourne abortion clinic.
Yet Australia has draconian anti-terrorism laws that are the product of the psy-ops terror hysteria promulgated by US, UK and Israeli state terrorism with the slavish assistance of traitorous media and politicians.
Thus the "homicide rate" in "deaths per million of population per year" is 0.05 (Westerners killed by Muslim-origin non-state terrorists), 0.5 (Israelis killed by Gaza rockets), 0.5 (Western rapist husbands murdered by raped wives), 15 (Israelis killed by Israelis), 56 (Americans), 100 (Americans by guns), 164 (Palestinians killed violently by Israelis), 200 (African-Americans), 473 (citizens of Detroit, Michigan, USA), 902 (annual Palestinian non-violent deaths through war criminal, Geneva Convention-violating Israeli-imposed deprivation) and 18,000 (avoidable Indigenous Australian deaths from deprivation).
This Australian irrationality spawned by fealty to UK, US and Israeli state terrorism means that Australia takes no effective action when such terrorism is directed against Australians (e.g. Julian Assange, Mamdouh Habib, David Hicks, Australian passport holders violated by Israeli terrorists, the 5 Australians violently kidnapped by Israeli state terrorists in international waters etc etc).
An Australian Muslim giving zakkat (alms) for Gaza kids orphaned by the Israelis faces up to life imprisonment under effectively racist Australian terror laws while donations made to the Jewish National Fund to support the ongoing Palestinian Genocide are tax deductible.
Our traitorous spies who lied about Iraqi WMD have not been prosecuted."
12 April 2011. The Age substantially censored my carefully researched comment on an article by Australian Nobel laureate Professor Peter Doherty on the rumored slashing of $400 million from Australian NHMRC medical research funding (for details of the article and the censorship see:
http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/04/11/6453447-australian-nobel-laureate-doherty-medical-research-cuts-will-push-scientific-stars-into-exile ). The parts of the following comment censored out by The Age are in bold and are indicative of what The Age evidently does not want its readers tor read or to know.
"Excellent article by Professor Peter Doherty. If realized, the rumoured slashing of $400 million from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) budget by the Gillard Labor Government would not just be an attack on medical science and dedicated young medical scientists in particular, but also symptomatic of an anti-science, anti-education, anti-academic and anti-intellectual political culture in a greedy, ignorant and irresponsible Lobbyocracy Australia. Some of the warped priorities of neocon Gillard Labor are listed below that evidently take precedence over $400 million for medical research and the hugely beneficial attendant impact on public health in Australia from having a large body of experts at the cutting edge of medical research.
1. $1.5 billion per annum for the US-led Afghan War that has been associated so far with 2.7 million under-5 infant deaths and 3.8 million avoidable Afghan deaths from war-imposed deprivation (UN Population Division; Google Afghan Holocaust , Afghan Genocide).
2. $12 billion per annum in subsidies for climate science-contraindicated fossil fuel and other carbon burning that is associated with an estimated 10,000 Australian deaths annually from pollutants of such burning (for documented details Google "Australian carbon burning-related deaths").
3. $20 billion spent annually in Australia on mindless gambling with a consequent huge tax take yet a circa $3 billion annual shortfall in Indigenous Health funding associated with 9,000 avoidable Indigenous Australian deaths each year.
Labor has gone downhill big-time since the time of pro-science, pro-education, anti-war, anti-racism, pro-environment Labor PM Gough Whitlam. University fees have been re-instated, 50% of undergraduate teaching is now done by casual academics in Dawkinized universities ..."
8 April 2011. The Age censored my carefully researched comment on an article re the laudable proposal for plain packaging of cigarettes (for details of the article and the censorship by The Age see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/04/07/6427778-anti-cancer-professor-on-oz-cigarette-plain-packaging-tobacco-industry-has-much-to-fear- ). The following comment was completely censored by The Age, indicative of what The Age newspaper evidently does not want its readers to read or know.
“Plain packaging of deadly cigarettes is a great move that demands bipartisan support. It is estimated that smoking kills about 18,000 Australians per year whereas "terrorists" have only killed 4 Australians on Australian soil since 1978 ( 3 dead in the 1978 ASIO-linked Hilton bombing and the later murder of an abortion clinic security guard).
Instead of directing "terror hysteria" against innocent Muslim Australians why don't the Lib-Labs simply ban deadly tobacco and declare tobacco industry executives and their associates to be "terrorists".
WHO data indicate that, as of 2010 and a world population of about 7.0 billion, about 7.8 million people die from drugs each year, the breakdown being 5 million (tobacco), 2.5 million (alcohol) and 280,000 (0.3 million) (illicit drugs).
The best anti-drug policies in the world are those of the Taliban who banned alcohol, banned smoking for Government employees in 1997 and who outlawed Afghan opium production in 2000, reducing Afghan opium production from 76% of world market share in 2000 to about 6% in 2001.
In contrast, the Lib-Labs permit alcohol and smoking. The pro-war neocon Lib-Labs also support the US Alliance that has restored the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry from 6% of world share in 2001 to about 94% by 2006 (UN ODC), this killing about 1 million people worldwide since 9-11 including over 3,000 Australians (more than the number of people killed on 9-11, most lilkely also due to US state terrorism).
If you measure "terrorism" in terms of dead Australians then the Australian Lib-Labs are among the world's worst.”
8 April 2011. The Age has continued to censor my carefully researched comments on articles re the sex-related abuse of a female member of the Australia Defence Force (ADF) (for the original article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/04/07/6427628-editor-on-sex-related-abuse-of-women-in-australian-military-bringing-the-military-to-heel- ). The article ignores horrendous abuse of Subject Muslim women and children in Occupied Iraq and Occupied Afghanistan - not by our soldiers but by neocon politicians. The following comment was completely censored by The Age, indicative of what The Age newspaper evidently does not want its readers to read or know.
"Of course the abuse suffered by Kate [secretly filmed having sex with a fellow ADF cadet] is unacceptable but grossly hypocritical Lib-Lab politicians slamming Defence over attitudes to women should examine their own complicity in horrendous abuse of Indigenous women, females and children in Iraq and Afghanistan. In short, Australian politicians - NOT our heroic soldiers - are complicit in US Alliance passive mass murder of Subject Women and Children.
UN Population Division data show that in Occupied Iraq and Occupied Afghanistan post-invasion non-violent avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation total 1.2 million and 3.8 million, respectively (50% female) and post-invasion under-5 infant deaths total 0.8 million and 2.7 million, respectively (90% avoidable and due to gross US Alliance violation of the Geneva Convention).
Articles 55 and 56 of the Geneva Convention relative to the protection of civilian persons in time of war state unequivocally that an Occupier must provide life-sustaining food and medical resources to its Conquered Subjects "to the fullest extent of the means available to it" but WHO informs that the "annual per capita total medical expenditure" permitted by the US Alliance (including Australian) Occupiers is a mere US$29 in Occupied Afghanistan and US$124 for Occupied Iraq as compared to US$3,122 for Occupier Australia.
This is an immense, ongoing war crime in which Australian Lib-Lab politicians - NOT the ADF - are complicit. Resources that should have gone to keeping Subject Women and Children alive under the Geneva Convention have been diverted to, for example, supporting the fossil fuel interests (complicit in 10,000 Australian deaths annually from carbon burning pollutants) by $12 billion annually to support Lib-Lab re-election in Lobbyocracy Australia. "
7 April 2011. The Age repeatedly censored my comments on an article re sex-related abuse of a female member of the Australia Defence Force (ADF) (for the original article and the censorship see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/04/06/6421512-sex-discrimination-official-on-abuse-of-female-soldier-an-attitude-that-shows-disrespect ). The following (apart from the bit they published in bold) is what The Age newspaper does not want its readers to read or know:
Completely censored post #1: "The article is certainly correct in its defence of women in Defence and in calling for a change of culture but it ignores the horrendous violation of women by politicians (not soldiers) who have involved Australia in all post-1950 US Asian wars, wars that have been associated with 23 million excess deaths, overwhelmingly of women and children and due to war-imposed deprivation.
Thus it is readily estimated from UN Population Division data that post-invasion under-5 infant deaths in Occupied Afghanistan total 2.7 million (i.e. a maximum of 2.7 million Afghan women suffering loss of an infant) and that post-invasion avoidable deaths from deprivation total 3.8 million (i.e. a maximum of 3.8 million Afghan women suffering loss of a child; the Afghan population is currently about 28 million; for details Google the terms Afghan Holocaust, Afghan Genocide).
The Geneva Convention states unequivocally that an Occupier must provide life-sustaining food and medical resources to its Conquered Subjects "to the fullest extent of the means available to it" but WHO informs that the "annual per capita total medical expenditure" permitted by the US Alliance (including Australian) occupiers of Afghanistan is a mere US$29 as compared to US$3,122 for Occupier Australia.
The Labor Government and Coalition Opposition have been correct in condemning the outrageous treatment of the young woman soldier by Defence personnel, including her superiors.
However these same politicians are complicit in horrendous, war criminal abuse of women and children on a scale that bears comparison with the Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million Jews killed, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation) and must face the International Criminal Court (ICC)."
Substantially censored post #2 (what The Age did not want its reader’s read is in bold) : “"The article is certainly correct in its defence of women in Defence and in calling for a change of culture but it ignores the horrendous violation of women by politicians (not soldiers) who have involved Australia in all post-1950 US Asian wars, wars that have been associated with 23 million excess deaths, overwhelmingly of women and children and due to war-imposed deprivation.
Thus it is readily estimated from UN Population Division data that post-invasion under-5 infant deaths in Occupied Afghanistan total 2.7 million (i.e. a maximum of 2.7 million Afghan women suffering loss of an infant) and that post-invasion Afghan avoidable deaths from deprivation, half of them female, total 3.8 million (i.e. a maximum of 3.8 million Afghan women suffering loss of a child; the Afghan population is currently about 28 million; for details Google the terms Afghan Holocaust, Afghan Genocide).
The Geneva Convention states unequivocally that an Occupier must provide life-sustaining food and medical resources to its Conquered Subjects "to the fullest extent of the means available to it" but WHO informs that the "annual per capita total medical expenditure" permitted by the US Alliance (including Australian) occupiers of Afghanistan is a mere US$29 as compared to US$3,122 for Occupier Australia.
The Labor Government and Coalition Opposition have been correct in condemning the outrageous treatment of the young woman soldier by Defence personnel, including her superiors. However Labor and Coalition politicians ignore the horrendous deaths of women and children in Occupied Afghanistan, and that, to say the least, is "an attitude that shows disrespect" for women, Humanity and International Law."
4 March 2011. The Age partly censored my comments on an article by academic Joel Windle on Educational Segregation (Educational Apartheid) in Australian high schools. . The Age published 49 comments on the article (mostly anonymous) but only partly published my following comments - what they did not want readers to read is in bold ((for details of the article and my censored comments see; http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/03/03/6181554-education-expert-re-educational-apartheid-were-creating-a-segregated-school-system ):
"Excellent article on the government-supported, wealth-based educational segregation that educators and commentators in the US, UK and Australia (e.g. UK Deputy PM Nick Clegg) refer to as Educational Apartheid.
A check of the My School website already informs that the two out of three Australian children who attend state schools are disproportionately excluded from university, from top universities and from top courses such as medicine and law. The Federal Government is reportedly about to also record the financial support for all schools from fees and government.
Expert suggestions for minimizing the harm done by Educational Apartheid in the UK include offering places at Cambridge or Oxford to selected students from all schools and help from each private school for a local government school.
Governments should be held accountable re (a) Educational Apartheid, (b) inequitable tertiary education outcomes; (c) taxpayer subsidy of false instruction in private schools (e.g. taxpayer-funded promotion of anti-science creationism, intelligent design, misogyny, homophobia, genocide, ethnic cleansing, and unsafe sex ); and (d) taxpayer ownership of taxpayer-built infrastructure.
The sort of "moral gradualism" that has led to Educational Apartheid in Lobbyocracy Australia, the ostensible Land of the Fair Go, also constrains sensible voter backlash over Educational Apartheid and indeed other key issues (e.g. climate change inaction, war, human rights abuse) because neocon Labor has better political rhetoric than the Libs while being actually just as bad. Voters (especially in educationally disadvantaged "safe" Labor seats) should vote 1 Green and put Labor last until it genuinely and convincingly returns to the "fair go" Labor values of the Whitlam era."4 March 2011. The Age partly censored my comments on an article by Michelle Grattan re Greens, Labor Minority Government and gay rights. The Age published 90 comments (mostly anonymous) but only partly published my following comments - what they did not want readers to read is in bold ((for details of the article and my censored comments see; http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/03/03/6181953-grattan-re-oz-greens-labor-govt-gay-marriage-odd-couple-bickers-over-gay-marriage ):
"It is a Minority Labor Government and accordingly must clearly at least try to accommodate to the strongly-held positions of its Green and Independent supporters.
After all the Greens have gone a huge way in supporting a Minority Government that grossly violates major Green values by imprisoning refugee children; being party to genocidal war crimes in Occupied Iraq and Occupied Afghanistan; violating the 1975 Racial Discrimination Act in relation to Indigenous Australians and Afghan and Tamil refugees; opposing same sex marriage; as revealed by Wikileaks, secretly plotting discriminatory exclusion of Chinese investment and US war against China with Australian participation; and through its disgraceful, pro-gas Carbon Tax-ETS-Ignore Agriculture plan ensuring a disastrous coal-to-gas transition, scuppering of 100% renewable energy for Australia by 2020 (BZE), continued climate inaction, continuing environmental devastation and continued world leading Australian per capita greenhouse gas pollution.
What extraordinary concessions by the Greens who have soiled themselves by association with pro-war, pro-coal, pro-gas Labor in the national interest.
Further, the Greens MPs are Australians that are part of the Australian Minority Government arrangement as compared to the variously evil and illegitimate massive foreign influence over Gillard Labor by the Americans and Israelis and their traitorous Australian agents that variously endangers Australians (involvement in illegal, genocidal wars; Australian passport forgery by Israelis; violent kidnapping of Australians in international waters by Israeli terrorists; key US and Israeli involvement in Australian defence) and trashes Australia's reputation (involvement in US war crimes, support for an Apartheid Israel that continues to commit horrendous crimes against its human rights-deprived Arab subjects)."18 February 2011. The Age censored my comments on an article by Muslim Australian academic Waleed Ali asserting that the Australian Labor Government was being led by the nose by the Coalition Opposition over racism, refugees, and multiculturalism. The Age published 194 comments (all but 8 anonymous) but by completely censoring the following credentialled comment reveals what it may not wish its readers to read or know (for details of the article and my censored comments see;
"Yes, the Labor Party is being led by the nose but so is the Coalition and by the same people - the Americans, the Zionists and the corporate Lobbyists.
Waleed Ali is utterly naive in writing: "Maybe this admittedly tiny gesture [defence of multiculturalism] signals a more general intent from Labor to speak in a voice more like its own" - but I say "pigs might fly".
Pro-war, pro-coal, pro-gas, pro-oil, pro-Zionist, politically correct racist (PC racist), anti-science, anti-intellectual, pro-spin, human rights-violating Labor has been led by the nose by the violent, warmongering, Zionist-beholden Americans ever since the US-backed 1975 Coup, this craven submission being reinforced by the US veto of Mark Latham in 2004 and the pro-Zionist-led Coup of 2010 (for the details revealed by Antony Loewenstein but resolutely ignored by most Australian media simply Google "pro-Zionist-led coup") .
The Libs have been more than willing to be led by the nose (with the decent Malcolm Fraser being a notable exception) because they have traditionally shared the violent, racist, warmongering and genocidal values of the US neocons and the racist Zionists.
In contrast, Labor has discarded the anti-war, anti-racism, pro- environment and pro-equity values of the Whitlam era and has progressively adopted the obscene, anti-humanity values of the neocon Americans who sought and obtained Whitlam's removal.
Decent Labor voters will simply vote Green and put Labor last until it recovers the humane values of Whitlam Labor and rejects complicity in the ongoing neocon terracide, ecocide and Palestinian Genocide, Iraqi Genocide and Afghan Genocide (post-invasion excess deaths 0.3 million, 2.5 million and 4.9 million, respectively)."
16 February 2011, The Age repeatedly censored my comments on an article re the Australian labor Party. I made repeated attempts to post a comment but all that The Age would publish (albeit hugely censored) was as follows: "Pro-peace, pro-environment, pro-human rights, anti-racism, pro-equity Labor voters (like myself for 44 years) have been utterly betrayed by a pro-war, pro-coal, pro-gas, pro-oil, pro-US wars, pro-Zionist, refugee, Muslim and Aboriginal human rights-abusing do-nothing Australian Labor Party (ALP) aka Another Liberal Party, Apartheid Labor Party, Apartheid Israel-supporting Labor Party. My advice is to vote 1 Green and put Labor last until Labor genuinely and overwhelmingly returns to the anti-war, anti-racism, pro-environment, pro-equity values it had under Gough Whitlam 40 years ago" (for the original article and my censored comments see:
The following (apart from the bit they published) is what The Age newspaper does not want its readers to read or know:
"Pro-peace, pro-environment, pro-human rights, anti-racism, pro-equity Labor voters (like myself for 44 years) have been utterly betrayed by a pro-war, pro-coal, pro-gas, pro-oil, pro-US wars, pro-Zionist, refugee, Muslim and Aboriginal human rights-abusing do-nothing Australian Labor Party (ALP) aka Another Liberal Party, Apartheid Labor Party, Apartheid Israel-supporting Labor Party. My advice is to vote 1 Green and put Labor last until Labor genuinely and overwhelmingly returns to the anti-war, anti-racism, pro-environment, pro-equity values it had under Gough Whitlam 40 years ago. Some betrayals listed below.
1. Pro-war Labor supports US wars and occupations and still has Australian forces in Occupied Iraq and Occupied Afghanistan (post-invasion violent deaths and non-violent avoidable deaths from US Alliance-imposed deprivation total 2.5 million and 4.9 million, respectively; Iraqi Holocaust, Iraqi Genocide, Afghan Holocaust, Afghan Genocide).
2. While top scientists have collectively stated re climate change action that "inaction is inexcusable" and "delay is not an option", Australia' Domestic plus Exported greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution has increased under do-nothing Labor.
3. Gillard (quoted in article): "A fair nation does not unfairly deny a child access to opportunity" yet "My School" reveals that under Labor the two thirds of Australian kids who attend state schools are disproportionately excluded from university, top universities and top courses (continuing Educational Apartheid).
4. Pro-Zionist Labor shamefully supports racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel and the Zionist-beholden US and the Zionist Lobby have a dominant and unchallenged influence in the Labor Party (Rudd was effectively sacked by the Mining Lobby but he also objected to Israeli terrorism against Australians and the actual Coup leaders were notorious pro-Zionists; Google "pro-Zionist-led coup")."
"The Australian Labor Party (Another Liberal Party) has departed from the anti-war, pro-environment, pro-human rights values of Labor under Whitlam and other Australian greats.
1. In 1944 war-time Labor leader John Curtin, acting on intelligence advice, rejected a quasi-Zionist plan for exclusive Jewish settlement of NW Australia (read "An Unpromised Land" by Jewish Australian and former Age journalist Leon Gettler) and in 1946 Australia's first Australian-born Governor General , Jewish Australian Sir Isaac Isaacs stated: "“The honour of Jews throughout the world demands the renunciation of political Zionism" [yet under Zionist-beholden Labor today Australia is shamefully a key supporter of racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel just as it shamefully supported Apartheid South Africa under the Liberals].
2. In 1975 the Whitlam Labor Government abolished the White Australia Policy and racial discrimination [yet under Labor today NT Aborigines and Afghan and Tamil refugees have been excluded from the 1975 Racial Discrimination Act and there is a highly offensive "New" White Australia Policy that applies to most non-Europeans merely wanting to visit Australia].
3. Whitlam Labor was anti-war and pulled Australian forces out of the Indo-China War (13 million excess Indigenous Asian deaths) [today Labor has Australian forces in both Iraq and Afghanistan (post-invasion excess deaths 2.5 million and 2.9 million, respectively; Google Iraqi Genocide, Afghan Genocide].
4. Whitlam increased educational access [under Labor the 2/3 of Australian kids attending state schools are disproportionately excluded from university].
5. After the US-backed Coup in 1975 Labor became a craven lackey of the US and thence of the Zionist Lobby (re 2010 Gillard Coup Google pro-Zionist-led coup)."
15 February 2011. The Age completely censored these 2 successive comments about an article by Jewish-origin, Australian gay rights academic Professor David Altman about the Australian Gillard Labor Government, the Middle East, Israel and Palestine (for original article and censored comments see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/02/14/6054234-oz-prof-altman-on-gillard-labor-pro-israel-pro-us-policy-pms-foreign-policy-vacuum- ):
"Dennis Altman is too polite about Gillard, Rudd and Labor. The reality is that Labor's international policy is crippled by its slavish devotion to a violent, genocidal, Zionist-beholden US and racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel.
If the US decides to invade and devastate another Asian country (it is already bombing Pakistan and the Yemen) the craven policy of US lackey Labor means that Australia will be there. Indeed Wikileaks has revealed Rudd disgracefully suggesting war with China to Hillary Clinton and former Labor leader and current Australian ambassador to Washington, Kim Beazley, secretly offering Australian forces to the US in such a war.
In contrast, former conservative PM Malcolm Fraser writing in The Age stated that Liberal PM Sir Robert Menzies told the US in the 1950s that Australia would not be involved in a US war against China. Outstanding Australian journalists John Pilger writing in the UK New Statesman has described Gillard as "the new warlord of Oz".
In 1944 war-time Labor leader John Curtin on intelligence advice rejected plans for exclusive Jewish settlement of NW Australia. In 1946 Australia's first Australian-born Governor General, eminent Jewish Australian Sir Isaac Isaacs, opposed racist Zionism, stating "The honour of Jews throughout the world demands the renunciation of political Zionism." Yet in 2010 a pro-Zionist-led coup removed an insufficiently pro-Zionist PM Rudd after he objected to Israeli terrorism against Australians (Google "pro-Zionist-led coup"). An anti-Arab anti-Semitic ALP has become an Apartheid-supporting Labor Party, dominated by big-funding Zionists with a prime loyalty to Apartheid Israel. However for what numerous, outstanding anti-racist Jews think simply Google "Jews Against Racist Zionism"."
" The reason that PM Gillard won't "articulate a vision of Australian commitment to a more just world" is likely to be the same as why my earlier carefully researched, referenced and credentialled comments on this article under my own name were evidently rejected (as are so many) as unfit for people to read - to whit, unacceptable domination of media and political life in Australia since the US-backed 1975 Coup (and reinforced by the 2010 pro-Zionist-led Coup) by the Zionist-dominated US and the Australian Zionist Lobby.
Anti-Semitism comes in 2 equally repugnant forms, anti-Arab anti-Semitism (e.g. the active and passive killing of 7 million Muslims so far in the Zionist-backed, Australian Labor-complicit US War on Terror; Google Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide) and anti-Jewish anti-Semitism (e.g. the Labor defamation and endangerment of decent anti-racist Jews through support for the genocidal racist Zionists running the nuclear terrorist state of Apartheid Israel, to the exclusion of outstanding, anti-racist Jewish scholars from Arendt to Zinn).
For the views of numerous, outstanding anti-racist Jews that the simultaneously anti-Arab anti-Semitic and anti-Jewish anti-Semitic Apartheid Labor Party resolutely ignores see "Jews Against Racist Zionism")."
14 February 2011, The Age completely censored comment re Egyptian Revolution (for original article see: http://gpolya.newsvine.com/_news/2011/02/13/6046878-friedman-nyt-re-egyptian-revolution-the-people-of-egypt-did-it-by-themselves- and http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/the-people-of-egypt-did-it-by-themselves-20110213-1arx4.html ):
"One sincerely hopes that the peaceful Egyptian Revolution will not be subverted by the US and Israel who had backed the Mubarak dictatorship for 30 years and who want a continuation of the same but with a quasi-democratic facade.
Thus the New York Times (3 February 2011): "The Obama administration is discussing with Egyptian officials a proposal for President Hosni Mubarak to resign immediately and turn over power to a transitional government headed by Vice President Omar Suleiman with the support of the Egyptian military, administration officials and Arab diplomats said Thursday".
This same secret police and spy chief Omar Suleiman is the same US-backed, pro-Israel human rights abuser and torturer who participated in the torture of Australian citizen Mamdouh Habib who was "renditioned" to Egypt for torture with the complicity of Americans, Afghans, Pakistanis, Egyptians and Australians.
Any persons complicit in the torture of an Australian citizen or accessories after the fact should be arraigned, tried and punished - as with Nazi war criminals, there should be no place to hide.
For long-suffering Egypt the crucial problem to be tackled is its horrendous avoidable death rate from deprivation of 0.22% (this means that 180,000 Egyptians, mostly children, die avoidably from deprivation each year out of a population of 82 million).
Since 1950 about 22 million Egyptians have died avoidably from deprivation and 15 million under-5 year old Egyptian infants have died (90% avoidably) in the context of repeated Western-backed invasions by Israel and nuclear threat from this Apartheid state that Jewish Israeli Professor Avi Shlaim (Oxford University) has described as a terrorist rogue state."
11 January 2011. One of Australia's top newspapers, The Age, Melbourne, published an article by Kern Group director Neer Korn about vastly more US patents in 1980-2000 by Israelis (7652) than by Egyptians (77) or Saudi Arabians (171). The article was entitled “A lesson on employment courtesy of Israeli Army” (see The Age On-line National Times section, 11 January 2011: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/a-lesson-on-employment-courtesy-of-israeli-army-20110110-19l1f.html ) .The article attracted at least 2 comments by about 7.30 am but only 1 was published from an anonymous person “Reality Check” stating: “The real FACT remains that Israel is supported by massive US taxpayer funds and does not have a real economy. It based on a militarized occupation of a foreign land. The real state of Israeli economy is hidden by US taxpayer largesse”. My carefully researched comment that was sent about that time was not published but provides a record of what one assumes The Age censors involved do not want readers to read or to know:
"Between 1980 and 2000 Egyptians registered 77 patents in the US, Saudis registered 171 and Israelis 7652" and this attributed in part to a questioning culture of the Israeli Defence Force (IDF).
Unfortunately these Israeli "good ideas" don't seem to include basic notions of racial equality, one-man-one-vote, democracy, rights of the child, thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not kill children, thou shalt not steal, non-proliferation, nuclear disarmament, self-determination, obedience to international human rights conventions and international law.
While Egypt and Saudi Arabia essentially haven't invaded, occupied and devastated any other countries in centuries, in just 63 years the State of Israel has militarily attacked 11 other countries (Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Tunisia, Uganda, Sudan, the USA), has violently occupied the territory of 5 other countries for long periods (Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, and Palestine) and continues to illegally and violently occupy all of the Holy Land, part of Lebanon and a huge chunk of Syria.
1950-2005 avoidable deaths from deprivation total 37 million in countries attacked by the State of Israel and 24 million in countries illegally occupied by the State of Israel. There are now 7 million Palestinian refugees forbidden to return to their homes and 20 million Muslim refugees (see "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950").
In the Occupied Palestinian Territory post-invasion excess deaths total 0.3 million, post-invasion under-5 infant deaths total 0.2 million, 85% of Christian Palestinians have fled and 800,000 children are abusively and indefinitely imprisoned in Gaza as are Hamas MPs who won 76/132 seats in the only Holy Land democratic elections.”
It is very likely that numerous comments from decent, anti-racist Australians critical of race-based, racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel would have been submitted to The Age about this article and likewise censored. Indeed controversial articles like this in The Age On-line often attract over 100 comments.
With such statistics it has become really important to predict all details!
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